Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Intelligence-led policing requirements of COMPSTAT Essay

Intelligence-led policing requirements of COMPSTAT - Essay Example The implication of this is that the commander naturally throws in his ‘enthusiastic support and energetic leadership’ to the program and the immediate goal of the program considering that his name and reputation is on the line, which is tangibly manifested by his obligation to personally deliver the report in the presence of the top brass and other units. COMPSTAT, like ILP, is largely based on the analysis of crime-related data and statistics, with analysts forming an integral part of its operations collating all submitted crime-related data and making sense of them through the crime mapping. The analysts then prepare the COMPSAT book, upon which the week’s presentation and discussions during the standard COMPSAT session are based on. The only difference is that in the ILP, the data gathered and collected are not necessarily known facts and statistics but unconventionally gathered data from tips, leads and reports of suspicious activities. Meetings and sessions a re also held in the COMPSTAT policing program periodically conducted usually, at least, once a week. This meetings and sessions, however, cannot be strictly categorized as the strategic and tactical, as required in ILP, because they consist mostly of presentation by a commander of the crime-related incidents in his/her jurisdiction and the strategies taken as a consequence and an interrogation of some sort by a facilitator, usually the chief or his designated assistant, of the law enforcers commander.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Life and History of Aristotle Essay Example for Free

The Life and History of Aristotle Essay Aristotle was born in 384 b. c. in the small town of Stagira on the northeast coast of Thrace. His father was the physician to the king of Macedonia. It could be that Aristotles great interest in biology and sci ence in general was nurtured in his early childhood as it was the custom, according to Galen, for families in the guild of the Asclepiadae to train their sons in the art of dissection. When he was seventeen years old, Aristotle went to Athens to enroll in Platos Academy, where he spent the next twenty years as a pupil and a member. At the Academy, Aristotle had the reputation of being the reader and the mind of the school. He was profoundly influenced by Platos thought and personality even though eventually he was to break away from Platos philosophy in order to formulate his own version of certain philosophical problems. Still, while at the Academy, he wrote many dialogues in a Platonic style, which his contemporaries praised for the golden stream of their eloquence. He even reaffirmed, in his Eudemus, the very doctrine so central to Platos thought, the doctrine of the Forms, or Ideas, which he later criticized so severely. There is no way now to reconstruct with exactness just when Aristotles thought diverged from Platos. Platos own thought, it must be remembered, was in process of change while Aristotle was at the Academy. Indeed, it is usually said that Aristotle studied with Plato during Platos later period, a time when Platos interests had shifted toward mathematics, method, and natural science. During this time, also, specialists in various sciences, such as medicine, anthropology, and archeology, came to the Academy. This meant that Aristotle was exposed to a vast array of empirical facts, which, because of his temperament, he found useful for research and for his mode of formulating scientific concepts. It may be, therefore, that the intellectual atmosphere of the Academy marked by some of Platos latest dominant concerns and the availability of collected data in special fields provided Aristotle with a direction in philosophy that was congenial to his scientific disposition. The direction Aristotle took did eventually cause him to depart from some of Platos doctrines, though the degree of difference between Plato and Aristotle is still a matter of careful interpretation. But even when they were together at the Academy, certain temperamental differences must have been apparent. Aristotle, for example, was less interested in mathematics than Plato and more interested in empirical data. Moreover, as time went on, Aristotles gaze seemed to be more firmly fixed upon the concrete processes of nature, so that he considered his abstract scientific notions to have their real habitat in this living nature. By contrast, Plato separated the world of thought from the world of flux and things, ascribing true reality to the Ideas and Forms, which, he thought, had an existence separate from the things in nature. It could be said, therefore, that Aristotle oriented his thought to the dynamic realm of becoming, whereas Platos thought was fixed more upon the static realm of timeless Being. Whatever differences there were between these two great minds, the fact is that Aristotle did not break with Plato personally, as he remained at the Academy until Platos death. Moreover, throughout Aristotles later major treatises, unmistakable influences of Platos thought are to be found in spite of Aristotles unique interpretations and style. But his distinctly Platonist period came to an end upon Platos death, when the direction of the Academy passed into the hands of Platos nephew Speusippos, whose excessive emphasis upon mathematics was uncongenial to Aristotle, for which reason, among others, Aristotle withdrew from the Academy and left Athens. It was in 348/47 b. c. that Aristotle left the Academy and accepted the invitation of Hermeias to come to Assos, near Troy. Hermeias had formerly been a student at the Academy and was now the ruler of Assos. Being somewhat of a philosopher-king, he had gathered a small group of thinkers into his court, and here Aristotle was able for the next three years to write, teach, and carry on research. While at Hermeias court, he married this rulers niece and adopted daughter, Pythias, who bore him a daughter. Later, when they had returned to Athens, his wife died and Aristotle then entered into a relationship with Herpyllis, which was never legalized but which was a happy, permanent, and affectionate union from which there came a son, Nicomachus, after whom the Nicomachean Ethics was named. After his three years in Assos, Aristotle moved to the neighboring island of Lesbos, settling there for the time being in Mitylene, where he taught and continued his investigations in biology, studying especially the many forms of marine life. Here he also became known as an advocate of a united Greece, urging that such a union would be more successful than independent city-states in resisting the might of Persia. Then, in 343/42 b. c. , Philip of Macedon invited Aristotle to become the tutor of his son Alexander, who was then thirteen years old. As a tutor to a future ruler, Aristotles interests included politics, and it is possible that it was here that he conceived the idea of collecting and comparing various constitutions, a project he later carried out by collecting digests of the constitutions of 158 Greek city-states. When Alexander ascended the throne after his father Philips death, Aristotles duties as tutor had come to an end, and after a brief stay in his hometown of Stagira, he returned to Athens. Upon his return to Athens in 335/34 b. c. , Aristotle embarked upon the most productive period of his life. Under the protection of the Macedonian statesman Antipater, Aristotle founded his own school. His school was known as the Lyceum, named after the groves where Socrates was known to have gone to think and which were the sacred precincts of Apollo Lyceus. Here Aristotle and his pupils walked in the Peripatos, a tree-covered walk, and discussed philosophy, for which reason his school was called peripatetic. Besides these peripatetic discussions, there were also lectures, some technical for small audiences and others of a more popular nature for larger audiences. Aristotle is also said to have formed the first great library by collecting hundreds of manuscripts, maps, and specimens, which he used as illustrations during his lectures. Moreover, his school developed certain formal procedures whereby its leadership would alternate among members. Aristotle formulated the rules for these procedures as he also did for the special common meal and symposium once a month when a member was selected to defend a philosophical position against the critical objections of the other members. For twelve or thirteen years Aristotle remained as the head of the Lyceum, not only teaching and lecturing, but above all formulating his main ideas about the classification of the sciences, fashioning a bold new science of logic, and writing his advanced ideas in every major area of philosophy and science, exhibiting an extraordinary command of universal knowledge. When Alexander died in 323 b. c. , a wave of anti-Macedonian feeling arose, making Aristotles position in Athens very precarious because of his close connections with Macedonia. As Socrates before him, Aristotle was charged with impiety, but, as he is reported to have said, lest the Athenians should sin twice against philosophy, he left the Lyceum and fled to Chalcis, where he died in 322 b. c. of a digestive disease of long standing. In his will he expressed sensitive human qualities by providing amply for his relatives, preventing his slaves from being sold and providing that some of his slaves should be emancipated. As with Socrates and Plato, Aristotles thought was of such decisive power that it was to influence philosophy for centuries to come. From the vast range of his philosophy, we shall consider some aspects of his logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. ETHICS Aristotles theory of morality centers around his belief that people, as everything else in nature, have a distinctive end to achieve or a function to fulfill. For this reason, his theory is rightly called teleological. He begins his Nicomachean Ethics by saying that Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good If this is so, the question for ethics is, What is the good at which human behavior aims? Plato had answered this question by saying that people aim at a knowledge of the Idea of the Good. For him this supreme principle of Good was separated from the world of experience and from individuals and was to be arrived at by the minds ascent from the visible world to the intelligible world. For Aristotle, on the other hand, the principle of good and right was imbedded within each person; moreover, this principle could be discovered by studying the essential nature of man and could be attained through his actual behavior in daily life. Aristotle warns his reader, however, not to expect more precision in a discussion of ethics than the subject-matter will admit. Still, just because this subject is susceptible of variation and error does not mean, said Aristotle, that ideas of right and wrong exist conventionally only, and not in the nature of things. With this in mind, Aristotle set out to discover the basis of morality in the structure of human nature. Types of Ends Aristotle sets the framework for his ethical theory with a preliminary illustration. Having said that all action aims toward an end, he now wants to distinguish between two major kinds of ends, which can be called instrumental ends (acts that are done as means for other ends) and intrinsic ends (acts that are done for their own sake). These two types of ends are illustrated, for example, in every action connected with war. When we consider step by step what is involved in the total activity of a war, we find, says Aristotle, that there is a series of special kinds of acts, which have their own ends but which, when they are completed, are only means by which still other ends are to be achieved. There is, for one thing, the art of the bridle maker. When the bridle is completed, its maker has achieved his end as a bridle maker. But the bridle is a means for the horseman to guide his horse in battle. Also, a carpenter builds a barrack, and when it is completed, he has fulfilled his function as a carpenter. The barracks also fulfill their function when they provide safe shelter for the soldiers. But the ends here achieved by the carpenter and the building are not ends in themselves but are instrumental in housing soldiers until they move on to their next stage of action. Similarly, the builder of ships fulfills his function when the ship is successfully launched, but again this end is in turn a means for transporting the soldiers to the field of battle. The doctor fulfills his function to the extent that he keeps the soldiers in good health. But the end of health in this case becomes a means for effective fighting. The officer aims at victory in battle, but victory is the means to peace. Peace itself, though sometimes taken mistakenly as the final end of war, is the means for creating the conditions under which men, as men, can fulfill their function as men. When we discover what men aim at, not as carpenters, doctors, or generals, but as men, we will then arrive at action for its own sake, and for which all other activity is only a means, and this, says Aristotle, must be the Good of Man. How shall the word good be understood? As Plato before him, Aristotle tied the word good to the special function of a thing. A hammer is good if it does what hammers are expected to do. A carpenter is good if he fulfills his function as a builder. This would be true for all the crafts and professions. But here Aristotle distinguishes between ones craft or profession and ones activity as a person. To be a good doctor, for example, did not for Aristotle mean the same thing as being a good person. One could be a good doctor without being a good person, and vice versa. There are two different functions here, the function of doctoring and the function of acting as a person. To discover the good at which a person should aim, Aristotle said we must discover the distinctive function of human nature. The good person, according to Aristotle, is the person who is fulfilling his or her function as a person. The Function of Man Aristotle asks, Are we then to suppose that while carpenter and cobbler have certain works and courses of action, Man as Man has none, but is left by Nature without a work? Or, if the eye, hand, foot and in general each of the parts evidently has a function, may one lay it down that man similarly has a function apart from all these? Surely, man too has a distinctive mode of activity, but what is it? Here Aristotle analyzes mans nature in order to discover his unique activity, saying, first of all, that mans end is not mere life, because that plainly is shared with him even by vegetables, and, says Aristotle, we want what is peculiar to him. Next there is the life of sensation, but this again manifestly is common to horses, oxen and every animal. There remains then an active life of the element that has a rational principle. .. if the function of man is an activity of soul which follows or implies a rational principle then the human good turns out to be activity of soul in accordance with virtue. Since mans function as a man means the proper functioning of his soul, Aristotle sought to describe the nature of the soul. The soul is the form of the body. As such, the soul refers to the total person. Accordingly, Aristotle said that the soul has two parts, the irrational and the rational. The irrational part in turn is composed of two subparts, the vegetative and the desiring or appetitive parts. For the most part, these are something contrary to the rational principle, resisting and opposing it. The conflict between the rational and irrational elements in man is what raises the problems and subject matter of morality. Morality involves action, for nothing is called good unless it is functioning. Thus Aristotle says that as at the Olympic games it is not the finest and strongest men who are crowned, but they who enter the lists, for out of these the prize-men are selected; so too in life, of the honourable and good, it is they who act who rightly win the prizes. The particular kind of action implied here, if one has in mind Aristotles analysis of the soul, is the rational control and guidance of the irrational parts of the soul. Moreover, the good man is not the one who does a good deed here or there, now and then, but the one whose whole life is good, for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy. Happiness as the End Human action should aim at its proper end. Everywhere people aim at pleasure, wealth, and honor. But none of these ends, though they have value, can occupy the place of the chief good for which people should aim. To be an ultimate end an act must be self-sufficient and final, that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else, and it must be attainable by people. Aristotle seems certain that all people will agree that happiness is the end that alone meets all the requirements for the ultimate end of human action. Indeed, we choose pleasure, wealth, and honor only because we think that through their instrumentality we shall be happy. Happiness, it turns out, is another word or name for good, for like good, happiness is the fulfillment of our distinctive function; or, as Aristotle says, Happiness is a working of the soul in the way of excellence or virtue. How does the soul work to attain happiness? The general rule of morality is to act in accordance with Right Reason. What this means is that the rational part of the soul should control the irrational part. That the irrational part of the soul requires guidance is obvious when we consider what it consists of and what its mechanism is. Referring now only to the appetites, or the appetitive part of the soul, we discover first that it is affected or influenced by things outside of the self, such as objects and persons. Also, there are two basic ways in which the appetitive part of the soul reacts to these external factors, these ways being love and hate, or through the concupiscent and irascible passions. The concupiscent passion leads one to desire things and persons, whereas the irascible passion leads one to avoid or destroy them. It becomes quickly apparent that these passions or capacities for love and hate, attraction or repulsion, creation or destruction, taken by themselves could easily go wild. In themselves they do not contain any principle of measure or selection. What should a person desire? How much? Under what circumstances? How should he relate himself to things, wealth, honor, and other persons? We do not automatically act the right way in these matters; as Aristotle says, none of the moral virtues arises in us by nature; for nothing that exists by nature can form a habit contrary to its nature. Morality has to do with developing habits, the habits of right thinking, right choice, and right behavior. Virtue as the Golden Mean Since the passions are capable of a wide range of action, all the way from too little to too much, a person must discover the proper meaning of excess and defect and thereby discover the appropriate mean. Virtue is concerned with our various feelings and actions, for it is in them that there can be excess and defect. For example, it is possible, says Aristotle, to feel the emotions of fear, confidence, lust, anger, compassion, pleasure, and pain, too much or too little, and in either case wrongly. To feel them when we ought to, on which occasions, toward whom, and as we should is the mean; that is the best state for people to be in, and this is virtue. Vice, again, is either extreme, excess or defect, and virtue is the mean. It is through the rational power of the soul that the passions are controlled and action is guided. The virtue of courage, for example, is the mean between two vices: namely, cowardice (defect) and foolhardiness (excess). Virtue, then, is a state of being, a state apt to exercise deliberate choice, being in the relative mean, determined by reason, and as the man of practical wisdom would determine. Therefore, virtue is a habit of choosing in accordance with a mean. The mean is not the same for every person, nor is there a mean for every act. Each mean is relative to each person inasmuch as the circumstances will vary. In the case of eating, the mean will obviously be different for an adult athlete and a little girl. But for each person, there is nevertheless a proportionate or relative mean, temperance, clearly indicating what extremes—namely, gluttony (excess) and starvation (defect)—would constitute vice for that person. Similarly, when one gives money, liberality, as the mean between prodigality and stinginess, is not an absolute figure but is relative to ones assets. Moreover, for some acts there is no mean at all; their very nature already implies badness, such as spite, envy, adultery, theft, and murder. These are bad in themselves and not in their excesses or deficiencies. One is always wrong in doing them. Deliberation and Choice There are in the rational soul two kinds of reasoning. The first is theoretical, giving us knowledge of fixed principles or philosophical wisdom. The other is practical, giving us a rational guide to our action under the particular circumstances in which we find ourselves, and this is practical wisdom. What is important about the role of reason is that without this rational element, we would not have any moral capacity. Again, Aristotle stressed that although we have a natural capacity for right behavior, we do not act rightly by nature. Our life consists of an indeterminate number of possibilities. Goodness is in us potentially; but unlike the acorn out of which the oak will grow with almost mechanical certitude, we must move from what is potential in us to its actuality by knowing what we must do, deliberating about it, and then choosing in fact to do it. Unlike Plato and Socrates, who thought that to know the good was sufficient to do the good, Aristotle saw that there must be deliberate choice in addition to knowledge. Thus, Aristotle said that the origin of moral action—its efficient, not its final cause—is choice, and (the origin) of choice is desire and reasoning with a view to an end. There cannot be choice without reason. And again, intellect itself moves nothing, but only the intellect which aims at an end and is practical. Morality and moral choice imply human responsibility. If some ways of behaving are right and others wrong, it is necessary to discover why a person acts in a wrong instead of a right way. If we are to praise or blame, praise virtue and blame vice, a person must be truly capable of making a choice. Aristotle assumed that an act for which a person could be held responsible must be a voluntary act. A genuine choice is a voluntary action. But not all our actions are voluntary. Thus, Aristotle said that praise and blame arise upon such as are voluntary, while for the involuntary allowance is made, and sometimes compassion is excited. The distinction, as he saw it, between voluntary and involuntary acts was in general this: Involuntary acts are those for which a person is not responsible because they are (1) done out of ignorance of particular circumstances, (2) done as a result of external compulsion, or (3) done to avoid a greater evil. Voluntary acts are those for which a person is responsible because none of these three extenuating circumstances obtain. The Virtues In a general way we have already defined virtue as the fulfillment of mans distinctive function and as the mean between extremes. Another way to describe Aristotles concept of virtue is to consider each virtue as the product of the rational control of the passions. In this way we can combine all aspects of human behavior. Human nature consists for Aristotle not simply in rationality but in the full range covered by the vegetative, sensitive or appetitive, and the rational souls. Virtue does not imply the negation or rejection of any of these natural capacities. The moral man employs all his capacities, physical and mental. Corresponding to these two broad divisions in man there are two functions of reason, the intellectual and the moral, and each has its own virtues. There are accordingly intellectual virtues and moral virtues. The intellectual virtues are philosophical wisdom and understanding and owe their birth and growth to teaching and learning. Moral virtue comes about as a result of habit, whence comes the name ethics (ethike), formed by a slight variation from the word ethos (habit). All the moral virtues have to be learned and practiced, and they become virtues only through action, for we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. The cardinal moral virtues are courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom. In addition to these, Aristotle considered also the virtues of magnificence, liberality, friendship, and self-respect. And although he acknowledged the central role of reason as a guide to practical and moral action, he nevertheless concluded that philosophic wisdom is superior to practical wisdom, that contemplation is most likely to lead to happiness. Contemplation Aristotle concludes that if happiness is the product of our acting according to our distinctive nature, it is reasonable to assume that it is acting according to our highest nature, and that this activity is contemplative we have already said. This activity is the best, says Aristotle, since not only is reason the best thing in us, but the objects of reason are the best of know-able objects. Moreover, contemplation is most continuous, since we can contemplate truth more continuously than we can do anything. Finally, we think happiness has pleasure mingled with it, but the activity of philosophic wisdom is admittedly the pleasantest of virtuous activities. POLITICS In his Politics, as in his Ethics, Aristotle stresses the element of purpose. The state, as man, is endowed by nature with a distinctive function. Combining these two ideas, Aristotle says that it is evident that the State is a creature of nature, and that man is by nature a political animal. So closely does he relate man and the state as to conclude that he who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. Not only is man by nature destined to live in a state, but the state, as every other community, is established with a view to some good, exists for some end. The family exists primarily to preserve life. The state comes into existence in the first instance to preserve life for families and villages, which in the long run are not self-sufficing. But beyond this economic end, the function of the state is to ensure the supreme good of man, namely, his moral and intellectual life. Unlike Plato, Aristotle did not create a blueprint for an ideal state. Even though Aristotle viewed the state as the agency for enabling people to achieve their ultimate goals as human beings, he nevertheless realized that any practical theory of the state must take note of what kind of government is adapted to particular states [that] the best is often unattainable and that the legislator must be acquainted with which is best relatively to circumstances how a state may be constituted under any given conditions [and] how it may be longest preserved, concluding that political writers, although they have excellent ideas, are often unpractical. For these reasons, Aristotle had little patience with Platos most radical ideas. Ridiculing Platos arrangement for the abolition of the family for the guardian class and providing a public nursery for their children, Aristotle said that there is no reason why the so-called father should care about the son, or the son about the father, or brothers about one another. The communal ownership of property would likewise destroy certain basic human pleasures as well as engender inefficiency and endless disputes. Types of States Aristotle was willing to recognize that under appropriate circumstances, a community could organize itself into at least three different kinds of government. The basic difference among them is primarily the number of rulers each has. A government can have as its rulers one, a few, or many. But each of these forms of government can have a true or a perverted form. When a government is functioning rightly, it governs for the common good of all the people. A government is perverted when its rulers govern for their own private gain or interests. The true forms of each type of government, according to Aristotle, are monarchy (one), aristocracy (few), and polity (many). The perverted forms are tyranny (one), oligarchy (few), and democracy (many). His own preference was aristocracy, chiefly because even though ideally an individual of exceptional excellence would be desirable, such persons do not exist with sufficient frequency. In an aristocracy, there is the rule of a group of men whose degree of excellence, achievement, and ownership of property makes them responsible, able, and capable of command. Differences and Inequalities Because he relied so heavily upon his observation of things, it was inevitable that Aristotle would make some mistakes. Nowhere is this more true than in his estimate of slavery. Observing that slaves invariably were strong and large, he concluded that slavery was a product of nature. It is clear, said Aristotle, that some men are by nature free, and others slaves, and that for these slavery is both expedient and right. To be sure, Aristotle took great care to distinguish between those who become slaves by nature, a mode he accepted, and those who become slaves by military conquest, a mode he rejected. He rejected slavery by conquest on the highly defensible grounds that to overpower someone does not mean that one is superior to him in nature. Moreover, the use of force may or may not be justified, in which case enslavement could very well be the product and extension of an unjust act. At the same time, speaking of the proper treatment of slaves, he proposed that it is expedient that liberty should be always held out to them as the reward of their services. The fact is that in his own last will and testament, Aristotle provided for the emancipation of some of his slaves. Aristotle also believed in the inequality of citizenship. He held that the basic qualification for citizenship was a persons ability to take his share in ruling and being ruled in turn. A citizen had the right and the obligation to participate in the administration of justice. Since a citizen would therefore have to sit in the assembly and in the law courts, he would have to have both ample time as well as an appropriate temperament and character. For this reason, Aristotle did not believe that laborers should be citizens, as they had neither the time nor the appropriate mental development, nor could they benefit from the experience of sharing in the political process. Good Government and Revolution Over and over again Aristotle made the point that the state exists for the sake of mans moral and intellectual fulfillment. A state, he said, exists for the sake of a good life, and not for the sake of life only; also, the state is the union of families and villages in a perfect and self-sufficing life, by which we mean a happy and honourable life. Finally, he said, our conclusion is that political society exists for the sake of noble actions, and not mere companionship. Still, whether a state produces the good life depends upon how its rulers behave. We have already said that the perverted forms of government are distinguished from the true forms by this, that the good rulers seek to achieve the good of all, whereas the perverted rulers seek their own private gain. Whatever form a government has, it will rest upon some conception of justice and proportionate equality. But these conceptions of justice can bring disagreement and ultimately revolution. Democracy, as Aristotle knew it, arises out of the assumption that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal. On the other hand, Aristotle said oligarchy is based upon the notion that those who are unequal in one respect are in all respects unequal. Hence, being unequal in property, they suppose themselves to be unequal absolutely. For these reasons, whenever the democrats or oligarchs are in the minority and the philosophy of the incumbent government does not accord with their preconceived ideas, [they] stir up revolution Here then are opened up the very springs and fountains of revolution. Aristotle concludes that the universal and chief cause of this revolutionary feeling [is] the desire of equality, when men think they are equal to others who have more than themselves. He did not overlook other causes such as insolence and avarice as well as fear and contempt. Knowing these causes of revolution, Aristotle said that each form of government could take appropriate precautions against it; for example, a king must avoid despotic acts, an aristocracy should avoid the rule by a few rich men for the benefit of the wealthy class, and a polity should provide more time for its abler members to share in the government. Another precaution is to guard against the beginning of change. Most important of all, Aristotle urged that there is nothing which should be more jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law. In the end, men will always criticize the state unless their conditions of living within it are such that they can achieve happiness in the form of what they consider the good life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hate crimes :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Victims of hate crimes vary in the indiscretions placed against them, whether it is from a simple slander to a vicious attack. But they all have the same mutual notion that the crimes that were committed against them are far above other crimes because they were carried out in hate. I believe that the idea of creating a separate punishment for crimes of this nature is absolutely nonsensical and inane in theory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the attached article, it states that â€Å"Congressional negotiators stripped a measure to strengthen 1960s-era hate crimes law from a massive defense bill, likely killing for this year the effort to broaden hate crimes protections for gay people and the disabled (Reuters, 2004).† This action, for some, it a disappointment and a big step back in their movement. â€Å"Backers of the hate crimes legislation, a top priority for gay rights and disabled advocacy groups (Reuters, 2004)† seem more interested in intensifying punishment that is only against them. Such cases that they believe deserved intensification are those like â€Å"the dragging death of a black man named James Byrd in Texas (Reuters, 2004)† and â€Å"the fatal beating of a young gay man named Matthew Shepard in Wyoming (Williams, 2004).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But I believe the ideals that those kind of people are fighting for is a futile effort and a lost cause. Singling out crimes and criminals with the addition of â€Å"hate† has no added value in the context of the crime. A crime that has been committed in the essence of hate is only as valid as a crime that is not completely perpetrated out of hate. And yes, a hate crime is seen as more debauched in our growingly politically correct society, but under the scrutiny of law it should not be seen as a special crime in need of special punishment. In our legislation we should not make a special needs section to satisfy the victims of intolerance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In our society everything and everyone is suppose to be equal, and in classifying two different murderers as one being a hate murderer and the other simply a murderer is not acceptable. Now I am not trying to defend murders in my accusations but rather am trying to make a point. Crimes that are committed out of intolerance of one’s beliefs or actions are no different than a crime that is committed out of pure pleasure per se.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Crucible- Abigail Williams Essay

Due to our nature, the human race will do astonishing things in the name of love and fear. Abigail Williams in â€Å"The Crucible† is a fantastic example of this. Not only are her actions absurd to try and gain John Proctor’s whole hearted affection, who was her lover, but also to gain submission of an ample portion of Salem due to fear. A large part of the submissiveness was gained by her ability to manipulate others, especially those she knows well. She starts the fire of hatred, for witches and the townspeople, within Salem. The fuel was already there; all that was needed was the last spark to get the flame going. Abigail was this spark, created by her insatiable lust for John Proctor. She instigated the witch trials, and used the produced hysteria in an attempt at personal gain, using a step by step plan. This plan developed through the play, feeding Abigail’s ambition and power. Step 1. Manipulate the town’s girls into doing witchcraft in the woods. Abigail convinced some of the teenage girls in Salem to join her in the woods. Being unmarried teenage women in this time period, they had little to do, minimal social status, and undoubtedly yearned for adventure. There were only two people lower than them in status, and that would be Abigail and Tituba because Abigail was an orphan, and Tituba a black slave. She convinced Tituba, to sing songs from Barbados about witchcraft. Abby then persuaded Ruth Putnam to believe that Tituba would be able to conjure up the spirits of her dead siblings. If it worked then she could bring to light the mystery behind all of her dead siblings. In getting others to do it with her, she will not be the only one to be punished, therefore spreading the blame across many, and if caught the blame could be transferred to the one with the least status, the slave- relieving Abby of punishment. Step 2. Drink a potion to acquire John. While in the woods Abigail drank a charm in an attempt to kill Mrs. Proctor, which in her eyes is the only person between her and John. â€Å"You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that!† (Betty, A.1, p.1244). This quote begins to give the reader an idea of what Abigail will do to gain Proctor. It would take quite a drive for someone to willingly drink blood, and in drinking it, wish death upon another person. This was a very Puritan society, and all of her actions would be looked down upon by the townspeople. First she entered the forest (the place of the Devil), then she danced (unacceptable for women of that age), then she drank a charm of blood (not accepted by society), and lastly in drinking that charm she is wishing ill upon her ‘neighbor’ which is going against one of the Commandments. The Bible was the law at the time, and going against its foundation was disgraceful. Step 3. When discovered, blame Tituba. When Abigail is being questioned by Parris, the day after being caught, about the girls’ doings in the woods, she gives away little. She reveals â€Å"We did dance, uncle, and when you leaped out of the bush so suddenly, Betty was frightened and then she fainted. And there’s the whole of it.†(Abigail, A.1, p.1238). This sentence shows an insight to Abby’s manipulative power over Parris. Fainting from fright from being caught by her father doing an illegal activity could be an explanation for Betty’s inactivity. Abigail admits to what he saw, but makes it hard for him to push the question further when she says the finalized statement ‘there’s the whole of it’. The affirmation also denies any other doings, saying the girls are innocent. Parris then grasps at another chance to question Abby, this time about possible rumors of her in the town. She skillfully maneuvers around the interrogation, and then is saved by the entrance of Mrs . Putnam. Goody Putnam reveals her and her daughter (Ruth)’s desires to figure out what caused her children to die in infancy. Step 4. Exploit Tituba’s weaknesses, while hiding behind lies. When questioned Abigail turns the accusation to Tituba saying she was alone in conjuring the spirits of Ruth’s siblings. This brings the pressure off of Abigail and onto two other people. She can then sink into the background, becoming invisible while Parris and Hale interrogate Tituba. Tituba is the unhappy slave, with witchery songs, low status, and desiring to be free and return home. Due to this, Parris and Hale break Tituba down till she admits to contracting with the devil. In a frenzy to bring pressure off herself and avoid hanging, Tituba then goes on to state names of women in the community. Sarah Good and Goody Osburn are first. Then Abigail stands up from the shadows seizing the chance of being able to accuse people and bring the attention to her in a positive way by saying â€Å"I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I dance for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!† (Abigail, A.1, p.1263). These exclamations go against what she has previously sworn, yet no one seems to notice anything besides her confession and the names she says. Abby repeated the names Tituba already said, along with another, therefore strengthening the accusations while playing on the slave’s incompetence of missing one of the people, which strengthens her own position. Step 5. Use newfound status to demolish those who oppose her. Since there are so many people being accused, the town gets an aura of being unsafe and corrupt by the Devil. This causes the accused to accuse others, from old rivalries and suddenly having a chance to comeback, or from being interrogated till they give up names, multiplying the numbers, while they also believe the accusations out of fear. Fear of being accused, of being witched, or of getting hung for disbelieving the court and the Bible. In Act II sixteen people had warrants sent out for their capture. Abigail continuously accuses people who confess, adding to her credibility. She also has fainting incidents, trances, and other public displays which she credits to others using demonic powers on her, sending the message that she is an innocent orphan being harmed by the Devil because she is standing against him. This helps her gain pity, and brings more citizens to her side. An example is when Mary Warren tries to testify against Abigail, Mercy, and Susanna. The girls exclaim that Mary has sent her spirit out in a wind to make them cold. This is proven by their exclamations. Mercy: â€Å"Mary, do you send this shadow on me?† Susanna: â€Å"I freeze, I freeze!† Abigail: â€Å"It is a wind, a wind!† Danforth: â€Å"Mary Warren, do you witch her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out?†(A.3, p.1307) Danforth’s question seems to state what the other girls were implying. This goes to show what some acting can bring upon a girl and a town. By faking a wind, the girls make Mary’s testament against them invalid, therefore increasing Abigail’s power within the court, and getting rid of another challenger. Step 6. Secure Goody Proctor as a witch using credibility established within the court. After accusing Elizabeth in Act 2 because of alleged use of poppets, Abigail has to make sure there is no way out for her. When this is done and she is hung she can finally have her love, John Proctor. The townspeople generally ignore evidence and support her claims of witchery, most likely out of fear of her power. John Proctor is one of the few willing to stand against her. After many attempts, all of which failed, John resorts to drastic measures. He admits to committing adultery. â€Å"I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name- you will believe me, Mr. Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one!†(Proctor, A.3, p.1309) In this statement, Proctor not only admits to adultery, and tries to protect his wife; he also calls Abigail a harlot. Abigail is astounded by his reveal, and undoubtedly worked up by his language towards her. This is the point where Abby seems to realize that Proctor does not love her and that she won’t ever be with him, even if Elizabeth dies. Her plan has failed, and everything she has done was for nothing. Her astonishment turns to resentment, for she then makes no attempt to same John when he is sentenced to hang. Her only thoughts now seem to be of self preservation. She was the ring leader of the witch trials, and with them coming to the end, and no chance of being with John, her power will soon be gone. She steals her uncle’s savings then flees the city. She lost a love she never truly had, and in the process left behind a broken, manipulated town. Love and fear are two of the most influential emotions, and in â€Å"The Crucible† both are experienced firsthand through Abigail. The author, Arthur Miller, uses this to his advantage making the play and characters relatable to the audience. These universal themes are relevant at all times in history which is why the play is still shown to this day. Abigail is not only a great example of those traits, but also reflects a maniacal manipulator existing in many societies. This along with other traits makes her the most important character to the play, along with the witch trials which she helped instigate for personal gain. It’s amazing what a teenage girl in a small town can do with a few words and manipulation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

King Henry II of England in The Lion in Winter by James Goldman

James Goldman’s masterpiece, The Lion in Winter, is play that is regarded by many as one of the best. The play The Lion in the Winter is basically about the life of king Henry II of England. Although not everything that was mentioned in the play about King Henry II of England was entirely true, some of them are just product of fiction and while some are really unearthed from real history. Some audience or readers may have either liked or disliked King Henry II of England in James Goldman’s play. But if King Henry II of England’s character is based on a real person, could it be that the real King Henry II of England posses the same negative traits that the play had portrayed him? Or does James Goldman’s portrayal of King Henry II of England have historical and factual basic? In the play, The Lion in Winter, King Henry II of England was portrayed as aging and conniving. He was not portrayed as the likeable character but rather more of an antagonist that is against the plots of the other characters, namely his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine and his sons Richard, Geoffrey, and John. Basically, everyone was after the throne of King Henry II of England, including himself. He wanted nothing but to protect his throne away from those who want to steal it from him. He was in very good position to do that because he was king, he had all the power of a nation in his palm. He was so addicted to the power he possessed that he became a control-freak, much like every king in history. This was the life the fictional King Henry II of England and the real King Henry II of England. It was a life full of connivances and deception just like in the play. The play had themes like the dysfunctional family,   politics, aging, inheritance, all of which made the bulk of the play’s narration, all of which also made up the bulk of King Henry II of England. It just shows that even the person of highest political position and wealth are most likely to be unhappy. Although, King Henry II of England was portrayed as an aging-annoying snub in the play The Lion in Winter. He is in fact in reality a good-spirited and energetic person, regarded by many as one of the greatest kings to rule. Some reports that he dresses casually except for occasions that require proper attire. Some also say that he loves jokes and does not easily get offended by them, some even say that he has a considerably great humor. Some say that he is very adept in the field of law. Some say that King Henry II of England has an exceptionally photographic memory able to remember each and every person that he had faced. That last claim about the king sounded like an exaggeration to even me. Although there exists many positive notes to King Henry II of England, there also exists an array of negative notes for the king. Others claim that King Henry II of England had a very bad and short temper. Basically these set of others claim that King Henry II of England has a bad personality. I guess we wouldn’t know since it is too far of a history from where we standing today. Enough of his personal life and enough of how James Goldman had portrayed him, let us examine King Henry II of England according to how history itself had portrayed him. King Henry II of England is also known as Henry Plantagenet, Henry Fitzempress, Henry of Anjou, and Henry Curtmantle. He is considered as a king that had played a significant role in history and had accomplished many things. He was the first from the house of Plantagenet to be elected for the throne of the kingship of England. That in itself can be considered an accomplishment because as we know being first is always something to be proud of. Other notable achievements of King Henry II of England were that he was also the one responsible for many expansions of the kingdom and pacification of many rebellions. From the very start, King Henry II of England had inherited many lands form his father, Geoffrey Plantagenet, and his mother Empress Matilda. Although he had inherited many lands from his father, the most significant of lands was the one that her mother had inherited to him, the English throne. He had expanded the kingdom by conquering Ireland. But it didn’t stop there, the expansion went on until it spanned from the Scotland border to Northern Spain. The expansion during King Henry II of England’s term had almost covered more than half of France. (Tabuteau, 183) King Henry II of England was able to pacify rebellions from the kingdoms domain like of those in Scotland and Ireland. This fact is one reason why some people consider King Henry II of England as the greatest king to rule ever. He travelled all round his kingdom in a very active and energetic manner. He became known for being to survey his kingdom far more than any other king. Through this, he became familiar to the lands, thus the reason for his victory over insurgencies. Through travelling the lands, he was also able to spot several castles that were built illegally inside his kingdom. These castles were built by King Henry II of England’s enemies to show him that they to have the capability to build large and fortified castles. King Henry II of England had destroyed those castles together with their owners as a message that says he is still the one that has the most power.   (Tabuteau, 183) Another of his most notable achievement is that he had stripped the barons of their power to collect taxes. In this sense he had demolished the concept of baronship, and he had basically stripped them of their power over normal people. He had assigned sheriffs to collect the taxes from the people instead of the barons. This had been proven as an effective method to collect tax for King Henry II of England’s fast-growing kingdom. The tax remittances were then used for warfare finance in the crusades. King Henry II of England was also one of the firsts who wanted to be separated for the church. He had wanted the individual powers of the church and the government be separated as two different entities. He had wanted such separation from the church so he had formulated the Constitution of Clarendon. In that constitution, he had argued that an accused that is being trialed in church should be turned over to the government immediately when found guilty. (Tabuteau, 185) Perhaps his greatest and most notable achievement is that he was the one responsible of replacing the trial by combat with the more humane manner of trial by jury. I guess that we should thank him in that aspect because most of our legal courts today are based on what had King Henry II of England had decreed. We should thank him because if not for him, we would still be killing each other when we have legal disputes. We should thank him especially the lawyers, because through trial by jury they don’t have learn how to wield a sword, not to mention for their high salary. (Tabuteau, 186) Some argues that his most notable of all his achievements is his formulation of English common law which is now the basis for most of the world’s legal systems, and a centralized government system. (Tabuteau, 186) Although, King Henry II of England’s achievements had made him one of the most popular king even until now, his achievements were always put in danger because of family disputes over territories and other family matters. To resolve the disputes within his family, he had to resort to dividing his territories among his sons. His sons would later turn against him and join allegiance with the king of France. King Henry II of England would manage to pacify his sons for moment. But in the end Richard will manage to snatch the throne from him just in the play The Lion in Winter. Reference Tabuteau, E. Z. (1997).Henry II. World Book Encyclopedia   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sinewy and Sinuous

Sinewy and Sinuous Sinewy and Sinuous Sinewy and Sinuous By Maeve Maddox In the context of anatomy, a sinew is â€Å"a strong fibrous cord serving to connect a muscle with a bone or other part.† Figuratively, usually in the plural, sinew connotes strength, as in this much-repeated quotation from Cicero: The sinews of war  are infinite money. The adjective for sinew is sinewy. When I hear or read the word sinewy applied to a person, I think of muscles, strength, and healthy leanness. In the context of cooking, sinewy is applied to cuts of meat. Sinewy meat is usually tough. Used figuratively, sinewy connotes strength and masculinity. Here are examples of both literal and figurative uses of the adjective sinewy: The sinewy  horsemen, as daring as the Crusaders who invaded the Holy Land, seemed to be everywhere. At Bondoni was Percival, a tall,  sinewy  man, a fine rider and shot.   He had taken his coat off and had rolled up his shirtsleeves, revealing  sinewy white  arms covered in freckles. The shank comes from the upper leg portion of the cow. Since this is a very well exercised part of the body, the meat is lower in fat and tends to be sinewy and dry. Unlike beech, it has broad ridges that curve up and around the trunk and branches, resembling  a sinewy, muscular arm.   Jacques Barzun praised Stout for his â€Å"sinewy, pellucid, propelling prose,† which seems to me to get it exactly right. Because of these associations with sinewy, I was startled to find the label â€Å"Sinewy Delta† under the photo of a river delta in the Yukon. The photo showed a complex convergence of winding rivers that from the air resembled veins visible on the back of an old person’s hand or the diagram of a network of capillaries. As I explored the Web, I discovered that some people use sinewy instead of the more conventional adjective sinuous to describe things- usually rivers- that are characterized by curves, twists, and turns. Sinuous derives from the Latin noun sinus: a bending, a curve, a fold. I do not rule out the possibility that strong currents or rough waves might suggest musculature, but the following examples clearly use sinewy where sinuous would be more apt: The outboard motor gurgled and rumbled as they worked their way out of the sinewy river mouth, curving left, passing jutting boulders as they moved toward the  open water of Big Bay de Noc. Next time you enjoy a float down the sinewy channels of the Winooski or Lamoille river, note where each bend and twist occurs. In this area, the sinewy Delaware River takes some of its most interesting bends as it proceeds on its journey south to the Atlantic Ocean. Interesting things happen at the juncture of different mediums: between field and water, the shape of a river, its sinewy curve, is defined. The Little Manatee River still follows the same winding, sinewy course it has for centuries. The mouth of the Sibun is dominated by mangroves and a winding, sinewy track. I suppose that speakers who associate the word sinew with the image of cord-like tendons in a pattern resembling a collection of veins might describe a delta as â€Å"sinewy,† but I suspect theyre in a minority. I rather think that a more usual reason writers describe a curving river as sinewy is that they are mixing the word up with sinuous. sinewy: muscular sinuous: curving and twisting Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating Conjunctions20 Pairs of One-Word and Two-Word Formsâ€Å"Least,† â€Å"Less,† â€Å"More,† and â€Å"Most†

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Appropriate Public Education Essay Example

Free Appropriate Public Education Essay Example Free Appropriate Public Education Essay Free Appropriate Public Education Essay One of the six facets of IDEA is Free Appropriate Public Education ( FAPE ) . FAPE is technically defined as a Special instruction and related services that are provided at public disbursal. under public supervising and way. and without charge ; meet SEA ; include preschool. simple. or secondary school instruction ; and are provides through an individualised instruction plan ( IEP ) . ( Mandlawitz. 2007 ) An individualised educational program ( IEP ) that is designed to run into the child’s alone demands and from which the kid receives educational benefits and prepares them for farther instruction. employment. and independent life. These alone instruction demands includes Mastery of academic topics and basic accomplishments. Social. wellness. emotional. physical. and vocational demands. and working and self-help sills . ( Jalvarado ) FAPE consist of an instruction that meets the single demands of the kid. the kid with the disablement must be educated with pupils without disablements. an rating and arrangement determinations must be made suitably. IDEA does non explicate the exact significance of the term appropriate . Parents and schools interpret this term unambiguously which has resulted in infinite tribunal instances. This facet of IDEA has be one of the most challenged out of all six because there are so many topographic points of misinterpretation and cringle holes that allow for some school territories to steal through. Even though this rule does advert the kid should be in the least restrictive environment. This environment could change from complete engagement in a schoolroom with kids without disablements. a separate schoolroom that has one on one aid for the kid and/or a combination of both. : This environment is non genuinely known until an IEP is developed. The IEP would province the particular instruction. related services. auxiliary AIDSs and services that will be provided for the kid. This allows a child regardless of the badness of their disablement to have an instruction. It is of import for households that have kids with disablements to cognize about FAPE because they may non cognize that there kid is entitled to have an instruction. FAPE is good for households and their kids to cognize their rights to have an instruction. In. add-on this could salvage households a batch of money that they may pass on particular services or private schools that they could be having for free from the school territory. For illustration a deaf kid that may necessitate a address and audile healer and an translator these types of services could wholly be provided by the school territory with no cost to the households in add-on to the child’s normal faculty members. Besides the kids would go more societal with equals and interacting with others that could non be learned in a confined country like place schooling and schools that isolate the kid. The kid would develop societal accomplishments that are urgently needed twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours to last. FAPE is good for parents because it could alleviate emphasis that possibly caused by their misinterpretation of why their kid is different and how to assist them turn. The parent may besides larn things about their kid that they did non cognize like their kid is really motivated to larn. bask working in groups. and is really speculative. These features about this kid would non hold been known if their kid was non put into public schooling. Educators besides play a portion in the kid and them having excess aid provided under IDEA because they create the IEP and maintain everyone up to day of the month about the child’s betterments and job countries. This facet of IDEA impacts me as a hereafter pedagogue because it will coerce me to broaden my skylines and positions of the normal schoolroom experience. Meaning. that there are non any pupils with LDs or disablements in the category. Knowing that FAPE is a specifying factor in the educational experience for kids with disablements will let me to understand their exceptionalities and how efficaciously assist them derive an instruction. In add-on I will larn how to properly mainstream them into the schoolroom with other pupils. For illustration. I would calculate out ways to diminish to possibility of labels and badgering by the other pupils because it was noticeable that the pupils were in particular erectile dysfunction. categories. To forestall badgering caused by misconstruing I would develop undertakings that would make learning experiences for pupils to larn that everyone is different in their ain manner. Besides to research these differences and concentrate more on their abilities and endowments as an person for pupils with and without exceptionalities. The pupils being combined could make new relationships between the handicapped and normal pupils. Before this facet of IDEA was created kids with disablements were segregated from the normal pupil. Knowing that there is big possibility that my schoolroom will dwell of pupils each unambiguously different it is of import for me to well informed and educated. So that I will be able to efficaciously educate my pupils.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hernando Cortez - Spanish Conquistador

Hernando Cortez - Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez was born in 1485 into a poor noble family and was educated at the University of Salamanca. He was an able and ambitious student that focused on a military career. With the stories of Christopher Columbus and the land across the Atlantic Ocean he became enamored with the idea of traveling to the territories of Spain in the new world. Cortez spent the next few years working as a minor legal official in Hispaniola before joining Diego Velazquezs expedition to conquer Cuba. Conquering Cuba In 1511 Velazquez’s conquered Cuba and was made governor of the island. Hernando Cortez was a capable officer and distinguished himself during the campaign. His efforts placed him in a favorable position with Velazquez and the governor made him clerk of the treasury. Cortez continued to distinguish himself and became a secretary to Governor Velazquez. During the next few years, he also became a capable administrator in his own right with responsibility for the second largest settlement on the island, the garrison town of Santiago. Expedition to Mexico In 1518, Governor Velazquez decided to give Hernando the coveted position of commander of the third expedition to Mexico. His charter gave him the authority to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for later colonization. However, the relationship between Cortez and Velazquez had chilled over a preceding couple of years. This was the result of the very common jealousy that existed between conquistadors in the new world. As ambitious men, they were continually jockeying for position and were concerned with anyone becoming a potential rival. Despite marrying the sister-in-law of Governor Velazquez, Catalina Juarez the tension still existed. Interestingly, right before Cortez set sail his charter was revoked by Governor Velazquez. Cortez ignored the communication and left on the expedition anyway. Hernando Cortez used his skills as a diplomat to gain native allies and his military leadership to secure a foothold at Veracruz. He made this new town his base of operations. In a severe tactic to motivate his men, he burned the ships making it impossible for them to return to Hispaniola or Cuba. Cortez continued to use a combination of force and diplomacy to work his way toward the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. In 1519, Hernando Cortez entered the capital city with a mixed force of disgruntled Aztecs and his own men for a meeting with Montezuma II the emperor of the Aztecs. He was received as a guest of the emperor. However, the possible reasons for being received as guest vary wildly. Some have reported that Montezuma II allowed him into the capital to study his weakness with an eye to crushing the Spaniards later. While other reasons given relate to the Aztecs viewing Montezuma as an incarnation of their god Quetzalcoatl. Hernando Cortez, despite entering the city as a guest feared a trap and took Montezuma prisoner and began to rule the kingdom through him. Meanwhile, Governor Velazquez sent another expedition to bring Hernando Cortes back under control. This forced Cortez to leave the capital to defeat this new threat. He was able to defeat the larger Spanish force and force the surviving soldiers to join his cause. While away the Aztec’s rebelled and forced Cortez to recapture the city. Cortez with the use of a bloody campaign and a siege lasting eight months was able to retake the capital. He renamed the capital to Mexico City and installed himself absolute ruler of the new province. Hernando Cortez had become a very powerful man in the new world. News of his accomplishments and power has reached Charles V of Spain. The intrigues of the court began to work against Cortez and Charles V was convinced that his valued conquistador in Mexico might set up his own kingdom. Despite repeated assurances from Cortez, he was eventually forced to return to Spain and plead his case and ensure his loyalty. Hernando Cortez traveled with a valuable horde of treasure as gifts for the king to demonstrate his loyalty. Charles V was suitably impressed and decided that Cortez was indeed a loyal subject. Cortez was not awarded the valuable position of Governor of Mexico. He was actually given lower titles and land in the new world. Cortez returned to his estates outside Mexico City in 1530. Final Years of Hernando Cortez The next years of his life were spent quarreling over rights to explore new lands for the crown and legal troubles related to debts and abuses of power. He spent a significant portion of his own money to finance these expeditions. He explored the Baja peninsula of California and afterward made a second trip to Spain. By this time he had fallen out of favor in Spain again and could barely even gain an audience with the king of Spain. His legal troubles continued to plague him, and he died in Spain in 1547.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Accounting Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Accounting Theory - Essay Example The accounting theory that would be relevant in relation to this article would be the implementation of accounting application that the company might use so as to revive from the crisis. In other words, it can be said that the positive accounting theory would relate well to this article. Another issue in reference to accounting theory that would also be relevant is the stakeholder theory. Both these theories would assist in focusing on the problem of the company and facilitate to develop measures that would help the company recover from the current crisis.According to Freeman & Et. Al. (2010), stakeholders tend to manipulate the disclosure of a company’s financial information to a significant extent. It was also claimed that the theory of stakeholders influenced the moment with regard to the declarations pertaining to the earnings. Evidence was found regarding the matter that managers try and manipulate the insights of their particular shareholders pertaining to the performanc e of the firm. Thus, it can be said that a company should implement and alter this theory in a way which would help the company to determine a decision regarding â€Å"creative accounting† without being manipulated. In this case, the Suncorp Company underwent a dip in its annual profits but it still maintained to hit a high of four-week in its share prices. It was fundamental because the company maintained a fair practice regarding its management operations and in disclosing its financial information.... Thus, it can be said that a company should implement and alter this theory in a way which would help the company to determine a decision regarding â€Å"creative accounting† without being manipulated (Freeman & Et. Al., 2010). In this case, the Suncorp Company underwent a dip in its annual profits but it still maintained to hit a high of four-week in its share prices. It was fundamentally because the company maintained a fair practice regarding its management operations and in disclosing its financial information. However, it was studied that reporting was not the sole phenomenon in accounting related to stakeholder manipulation. Stakeholder groups even strongly manipulated the standards that were to be laid down in respect to international accounting. It was also said that though the groups did not enjoy complete authority in ascertaining the standards but few stakeholders yet displayed a higher degree of manipulating capability (Freeman & Et. Al., 2010). In case of positive theory of accounting, justification is given regarding the operations of the business with no recommendations as to how the operations need to be (Schroeder & Et. Al., 2010). Positive accounting theory establishes the opportunistic way in which a business operates so as to increase the wealth of the individuals concerned with the business. This theory assists in adopting the accounting procedures. Positive accounting theory is known to forecast that organizations require look for methods that would help to support the owners’ interest with the managers’ interest of a specific organization. This would require the preparation of proper financial statements as well as monitor and audit them. Thus, positive accounting theory would facilitate in identifying the proper accounting

Friday, October 18, 2019

Paper on the social structural theories then break it down into the Research

On the social structural theories then break it down into the social disorganization theory, cultural deviance theory, and - Research Paper Example Cultural deviance theory asserts that conformity to the existing cultural norms of the society of a lower class results into crime. Youths or lower sub culture class has a set of unique beliefs and values, which are often in conflict invariably with the conventional norms of the society. Criminality in this aspect is the expression of non conformity to social norms or conformity to a lower class of sub cultural beliefs and values. Youth therefore commit crimes trying to respond to their own class of cultural norms in an attempt to deal with the social problems from middle class and adjustment. This theory is associated with labeling theory, the rationale for choosing it (labeling theory), in that they both address a particular class of society and their beliefs. According to labeling theory, the youths turn to a delinquent lifestyle and commit crimes when a good part of the members of society give them a label or associate them with such crimes and lifestyle, hence they accept such l abels as their own personal identity. As youth interact with others in the society throughout their lives, they are usually given various symbolic labels. These symbolic labels often imply different attitudes and behaviors, thus the labels do not only give a description of an individual trait, but also describe the whole person. A negative label often results into a permanent harm of the targeted persons, especially when a significant other confers such a devalued status on the person. Being perceived as a deviant in the society and/ or being associated with a delinquent lifestyle often impact on the treatment youths receive at work, at home, at school, and any other places of social interactions. Those labeled usually find themselves turning to other people who are equally stigmatized by a similar or related label for purposes of championship and support. Law is, in most cases, applied differently and benefits people who hold social and economic power, while the powerless are often penalized. Labeling theory therefore is not only concerned with why the persons engage originally in the acts that make them labeled, but also deeply concerned with the reasons for a criminal career is formation. The origin of acts of crimes is not specifically discussed by this theory (Samuel, 2007). An individual becomes a deviant majorly due to the social distance that exists between the labeled and the labeler. Labeling theory is associated with various effects on the people who are labeled; these are the reasons why youth find themselves turning into a delinquent lifestyle and commit most crimes. They do this with a belief that even if they remain within the law, the society still associates them with such deviances and delinquent lifestyle. Some of the impacts resulting from this theory include the following: Stigma creation: whenever an individual have a public record of acts of deviance, the denounced individual separates himself or herself virtually from a place of group b y a successful degradation ceremonies in a legitimate order. An impact on self image: the offenders who have been stigmatized may probably start reevaluating their own personal identities within the label Primary deviance: these are some crimes with very little effect or influence on the actor, such are easily and quickly

The challenges of Interoperability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The challenges of Interoperability - Essay Example The migrating path for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a complex processing that needs efficient planning before a hospital administration plans to introduce interoperability for unifying its numerous operating systems. Being a CIO of a hospital with numerous computerized data entering systems, I would consider issues of higher expense, maintenance of the major operating system providing interoperability to other operating system of the hospital. There are other issues that a CIO of a healthcare organization must focus on. It could involve the training of the officials to enter the specifications of the records focusing on the type of nomenclatures. It should be noted that the continuous research and development in the field of health care has made it quite complicated for the transmission of interoperability migrating path. In this paper, I would take the position of a CIO of a health care organization to discuss the challenges of interoperability. I would stress on the signif icance of the migration path for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) acquisition and propose the managers of the organization to pass the clauses to take the acquisition underway by following the following criteria: Challenges of Interoperability: I. Electronic Health Records (EHR) Vendors: It is quite evident that a newer setup by connecting different leverage of information operating systems in the hospital for information management would need training of the professionals. Traditionally, it has been noted that EHR Vendors are a special approach for this purpose. By acquiring an EHR vendor, it would be much easier for the professionals to get used to the electronic record system. Once the EHR information systems are easily connected to numerous other data recording systems, they will automatically help the professionals to use it on a continuous basis. The operating technical training can actually act as a factor of making information systems successful (Amatayakul). II. Connectio n and Nomenclatures: I would suggest that the organization follows the information categories to make it certain for data delivery methods in order to connect to other departments. This will need coding and nomenclatures to be added. Considering numerous operating systems being used in the organization which I am working for, it comes as a challenge to actually share information among different departments, because each department has a different set of requirements for data specification. For instance, the operating system, namely Laboratory Information System (LIS) within the organization, is dealing with the information consumed by the internal departments. It has to be used externally by other health organizations as well to make sure the commutative statistics of the disease is observable. This will help in the process of providing assistance to the patients with technologically advanced interface (Amatayakul). By providing interoperability among the different operating systems used for entering disease specifications and health records, it will be much easier for the organization to link up the nursing and administration department. But it should be noted, that currently Healthcare Information System (HIS) of the organization is only linked with Laboratory Information System (LIS). Connecting it with other operating systems would be a step-wise process. Hospital Information Management (HIM) has quite a limited role in the organization in terms of its connectivity with other operating systems such as HIS. It is thus, equally important for me to allow this department to share the number of records under the coding and nomenclature (Amatayakul). III. Virtual Assistance: It has been noted that the installation of EHR in healthcare industry has ultimately led to failures, because the hospital administration and the medical professionals were not able to get along with the newer ways of reporting medical cases. Thus, I would suggest t

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Women and Self-Esteem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women and Self-Esteem - Essay Example Other researchers are in line with the current findings that the more affirmed women feel by their fathers, the greater their self-esteem. In addition, perceived affirmation by the father goes in hand with feeling less fearful of intimate relationships. The need to uphold the relationship between perceived fatherly affirmation and fear of intimacy as noted in the current study by partializing the effect of self-esteem on the variables is significant. Even though it contradicts Naus and Thesis, 1994 study on males, the finding is appropriate. In addition, feeling affirmed with one’s father and feeling comfortable with one’s sexuality cannot be separated. I will include the perception of father’s feeling towards and treatment of one’s mother as an exploratory variable. Such inclusion is significant as it showed a high correlation with some of the other variables in the studies. Especially, it correlated with the perceived fatherly affirmation and fear of intimacy and thus will culminate in women developing self-esteem during the counselling. Tanya S. Scheffler and Peter J. Naus, (1999). The Relationship Between Fatherly Affirmation And A Womans Self-Esteem, Fear Of Intimacy, Comfort With Womanhood And Comfort With Sexuality. University Of St. Jeromes College. Waterloo, Ontario. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, Vol. 8(1). Spring, P.

Compare and contrast the relationships which evolved between Essay

Compare and contrast the relationships which evolved between technology subjectivity and space of concentration camsp factory Manhatten project cinema and the - Essay Example e to this led to one of the most violent expressions of individuality recorded in human history as Nazi Germany exalted the Aryan and vilified the Jew. The response to this violence, assisted through the use of yet further technology such as cinema and the exhibition to educate and influence the cultural mind, led the way to the current trend of increasing subjectivity within the Metropolis. Thus, there are numerous complex relationships apparent between the advances in technology to the degree of subjectivity inherent in a particular society as shown through the space of the factory, the concentration camps, the Manhattan Project, the exhibition and the cinema. One of the most important features of capitalism in industries was the capacity to impose a work discipline with uniform and regular patterns while eliminating the possibility of self-organizing (Thompson, 1967). Within the factories, many artisans were brought under the same roof and, more importantly, expected to work within the mills, a radically different production technique from that used previously within the cottage industries. â€Å"The nineteenth century demanded the functional specialization of man and his work; this specialization makes one individual incomparable to another †¦, this specialization makes each man the more directly dependent upon the supplementary activities of all others† (Simmel, 1903). The factory eliminates the need for the individual even while it works to separate the individual into appropriate work classifications for greatest effect, making each worker depend upon the work of another to function. Yet, this â€Å"colossal centralizati on, this agglomeration of three and a half million people on a single spot has multiplied the strength of these three and a half million inhabitants a hundredfold† (Engels, 1987) creating a need to institute some sort of control. Therefore, bringing all these people together also made surveillance possible at the least as a means of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Women and Self-Esteem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women and Self-Esteem - Essay Example Other researchers are in line with the current findings that the more affirmed women feel by their fathers, the greater their self-esteem. In addition, perceived affirmation by the father goes in hand with feeling less fearful of intimate relationships. The need to uphold the relationship between perceived fatherly affirmation and fear of intimacy as noted in the current study by partializing the effect of self-esteem on the variables is significant. Even though it contradicts Naus and Thesis, 1994 study on males, the finding is appropriate. In addition, feeling affirmed with one’s father and feeling comfortable with one’s sexuality cannot be separated. I will include the perception of father’s feeling towards and treatment of one’s mother as an exploratory variable. Such inclusion is significant as it showed a high correlation with some of the other variables in the studies. Especially, it correlated with the perceived fatherly affirmation and fear of intimacy and thus will culminate in women developing self-esteem during the counselling. Tanya S. Scheffler and Peter J. Naus, (1999). The Relationship Between Fatherly Affirmation And A Womans Self-Esteem, Fear Of Intimacy, Comfort With Womanhood And Comfort With Sexuality. University Of St. Jeromes College. Waterloo, Ontario. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, Vol. 8(1). Spring, P.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Labeling, Indentity and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Labeling, Indentity and Education - Essay Example In the essay â€Å"I Just Wanna be Average† by Mike Rose, it is implied that they are, as vocational students, are treated with not much respect by the society. â€Å"Vocational education has aimed at increasing the economic opportunities of students who do not do well in our schools† (Rose, 1). With that prejudice over their school, the students also identify with the prejudice and treat themselves like they are expected to be treated in the society, according to what they perceive the society perceives them to be – the lowest class of students. This is what he calls â€Å"identity that is implied on the vocational track† (Rose, 3). The schools are actually responsible for labeling us, the students. For putting identities on people based on their scholastic abilities. In the immigrants’ case, because of their poor English, they were put in the vocational track – which is basically assigned for those with scholastic difficulties. This is also part of the prejudice, or the identity being served on one’s person if he is in the vocational trac

Monday, October 14, 2019

Standardized testing Essay Example for Free

Standardized testing Essay Standardized testing has assumed a well-known role in recent efforts to advance the quality of education. Regardless of where they went to school or what curriculum they followed, students are tested on the same material, which can be loosely grouped into knowledge domains and skill sets that encompass; natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, reading, speaking, writing, and mathematics. National, state, and district tests, combined with minimum competency, special program, and special diploma evaluations, have resulted in a greatly expanded set of testing requirements for most schools. By definition, a standardized test is a test where the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers. It is administered and scored in a consistent or â€Å"standard† manner. It is designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures and interpretations are consistent, and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. 3 Using standardized tests to perform assessments is beneficial for several reasons. First, because standardized tests yield quantifiable information (scores, proficiency levels, and so forth), and results can be used in screening programs. Second, standardized test results provide information regarding an examinees areas of strength and weakness. Third, standardized test results allow a student to be compared to age- or grade-peers. And lastly, standardized tests can be used to assess students progress over time (e. g. , re-administering tests after the application of an intervention or following the institution of a remedial program the most significant benefit of results from a test given in a standardized fashion is that the results can be documented and empirically verified. This then allows for the results to be interpreted and ideas about an individuals skills generalized. Although standardized testing is beneficial in some situations, the validity and value of traditional standardized tests are subjects of increasing debate. Recent studies raise questions about whether improvements in test score performance actually signal improvement in learning. Student’s performance on one particular day and does not take into account external factors. There are many people who simply do not perform well on tests. Many of these students are smart and understand the content, but it doesn’t show on the test. Many students also develop test anxiety which hinders performance. Finally, there are so many external factors that play into test performance. If a student has an argument with their parents the morning of the test, chances are their focus isn’t going to be where it should be. In elementary schools less time is being spent on sciences, social studies and the arts to make way for  preparing the students  to take the tests in math, reading and writing. Teachers feel strong pressure, especially from district administrators and the media, to improve their students test scores. With the stakes getting higher and higher for teachers, this practice will only continue to increase. The sad reality is that it fosters an atmosphere that is boring and lacks creativeness. Teachers have such pressure to get their students ready for these exams that they neglect to teach students skills that go beyond the tests. But despite criticisms of standardized testing, the proficient teachers of today do not accept that their students have limitations, or are incapable of learning any given concept. Instead these teacher work hard every day to make material relevant for their children and develop lesson plans that speak to individual lesson plans. While both critiques and proponents of standardized testing could debate their sides all day, the need to assess students to determine both their progress and the progress of their teachers and schools is undeniable. Standardized testing evaluates students early in their education on their readiness both scholastically and behaviorally Students and their parents are able to measure at least generally their progress and areas in which they need. Standardized test shape people’s futures, so they need to be created fairly, so everyone has an equal opportunity to have a successful future. While the jury is still out on whether or not there is a better method of determining individual student progress. The need for a common measure to compare students to bring about change is still more present than ever.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Significance of Realistic Physics in Simulation Games

Significance of Realistic Physics in Simulation Games This dissertation is on the significance of realistic physics in simulation games. Physics in games has changed a lot over the years from arcade games having no physics to Need for Speed: Shift having world class physics. As the years have progressed so has the technology giving ways to make the game more realistic to a point which makes them almost as real as in real life. The question here is that do we need such good physics in games cause in the end the players need have a good time playing the game while having a realistic experience, pushing the realism a bit further can cause problems with the game being excessively difficult the daily gamer. Introduction The oldest form of racing games would be arcade games where there was no physics but the games were still fun to play for the casual gamer. They can be called the classic example for physics-less fun games like outrun, Virtua Racing by SEGA. With time games like The need for speed came out with realistic acceleration top sped etc. they built up on car personalities with different cars having different type of grip, speed etc. with more advanced Physics processing units came better physics with destructible models, actual car damage and very realistic handling etc. as seen in Need for Speed: Shift and Need for Speed: Pro-street these games reached the benchmark for physics at their time but were not as popular as the Need for speed: Most Wanted and similar Titles with intermediate use of physics. But the physics in games now days have totally changed the driving experience in games. My thesis is on how this can be improved and what type of physics should be added and what type to be controlled so as not to make the game extremely difficult but also improve the gameplay and give a better feel of realism. C.1 The Statement of Problem The statement of problem in my dissertation is the fun factor in racing games with realistic physics. Racing games are played for fun and are not viewed as some physics prototype so a game with exceptionally good game does not have to be an exceptionally good game and vice versa. There has to be a balance between fun and physics in game. A game with very realistic handling will make an immature player crash a lot which is not very impressive to the player, whereas in a game without friction or skidding, the player will not have the feel of physics or realism in a game making it boring again. How to get this balance in a game is my main objective. In a racing game there should be balanced handling and to make it more realistic new improved effects for drag can be added. Better collision and realistic damage which effects the players driving can help make the game look more realistic. Things like this are very important nowadays as the competition between games is rising and most of the games are coming out with good physics so it becomes a common ground between most games. New type of physics including centre of gravity, collisions effecting the player, g-forces on the player causing loosing handling, blurred vision can be a thing of the future also player fatigue while driving can be added in the games in the future to make them stand out. C.2 Purpose This study is aimed at accomplishing to implement new type of physics in the game, making them more realistic while still being fun to play. The purpose of this study is that when we are adding new type of physics in a game, it should not be so much that it looks more like a physics prototype than a game. Methodology This chapter explains how the research for this dissertation is done. This dissertation is based on experimenting on different type of games arcade and realistic alike and also based on articles related to this subject. D.1 Study of Existing Information Existing information was collected over the internet mainly from and Different type of physics used in current games was searched and also about arcade games. The information was used to understand the working of present day physics realistic games. Information and ideas for different type of physics were also gathered from different forums and articles. To better understand how physics actually works in a game different reference articles which explain how physics is implemented in games with code were studied go get a better understanding about the subject. D.2 Experementation Experimentation was done by testing different racing games from arcade games to realistic games to understand the difference in physics and to understand what type of physics is implemented in present day games. Case study in done in Need for Speed: Undercover, Burnout paradise Dirt, Need for Speed: Shift and Virtua racer to understand the physics in those games and to understand weather they were successful or not and why. Different types of physics modules were studied in each game, understanding what game used what and to how much realism and how it affected the outcome of the sales of the game which tell which was more popular. Literature Review This chapter will discuss the articles significant for this research and what use it has in my dissertation. This chapter is in two parts, one discussing the physics aspect behind making a game and the other one discussing about different games, their popularity and what type of physics they used. E.1 Physics Review Reference: [Title Motion along a straight line by author Michael Tanczos ] This page is about basic motion along a straight line which is required to make a game about any moving body. This helps with the basic physics that require programming of moving objects. Reference: [Title The physics of racing by author Brian Beckman ] This is a comprehensive guide about how to make racing games. This helps with understanding of present day physics and how they are actually implemented in a game. This also helps me to formulate my own ideas to how to add new physics to the game. Reference: [] This page helped me understand about braking systems in cars. Reference: [Title Motor Sports Setup by author Carroll Smith] This is a series of tutorials of how to setup a car. I used this to make compute my own vehicle simulations. Reference: [] This article gave me a better insight of how slip works on a car. E.2 Game Review Reference: [ Title Racing Video Game by Wikipedia] This is where I started researching about history of video games and looking into what types of racing are there and how they developed over time. Reference: [] I visited this website which had old arcade racing which I played and also read about them to get a better understanding of how racing games were back then. Reference: [] This is a forum where i read about Atari arcade games. Case Study In order to understand the exact nature of physics of present day game sand games from the past, I tested out a few games to understand what different types of physics were applied to them and how they are different from one another. This also helped me to understand how the physics evolved from the past to until now. Another aspect of this study was to understand how the popularity of the game was related to the physics it. F.1 Virtua Racing Virtua Racing was released in 1992 by Sega. This game had excellent and clean 3D graphics for its time. It was based on F1 racing and was one of the best arcade racing game of all time. This set the base for racing games that came after this. It had features like minimap track, speedometer etc. basically it had a fully functional HUD for its time. It had 2 views, one third person and the other was first person inside the car. It had time chase and also the player could race against the AI cars in the single player mode. In the multiplayer mode, two players could race against each other. It had also implemented different cars so the player could choose between them. They were not just artistically different but also were also different in the way they handled. This was a change from the old racing games before this which had only artistic differences between different cars. This game had simulated physic s, there was not an actual simulation engine deciding what the car would do. It w as just programmed to skid if the player was taking a turn over a certain speed. It gave a very good feeling of realism. F.2 Need for Speed Need for Speed for first released in 1994 by Electronic Arts. This game went on to be the most famous game series of all times. Need for Speed was based on street racing. It had good load out of cars which performed very differently from each other. The players had to race in the street with oncoming traffic and against AI player; it also had a multiplayer mode which 2 player could play simultaneously. It had a very smooth camera system which allowed the player to play in a third person view or a first person view with the player sitting inside the car. This game had implemented gearing system which the player could manually change or set it to automatic where the computer would take care of it. This game had very good physics simulations which was quite different from its predecessors. Need for speed has impressive graphics getting better than anyone before them. They had open seamless outdoor worlds. These worlds gave an effect of a 3D world unlike the past games. The cars were also very detailed, which ranged from Lamborghini, dodge viper to Mustangs. They were replica of real life cars with all the details in them that could be put at that point of time. The race tracks also had a lot of variance in them which were set in a realistic environment. This game also had weather effects which added more realism to the environment. The sounds implemented were also awesome. They were very accurate and added to the realism of driving a vehicle as a driver depends on sounds a lot when driving a vehicle. For a game to achieve this, the sounds had to be very accurate which EA achieved with NFS. The simulation engine for this game was also very nice, it gave a clean difference felt in power, speed and handling when driving different cars. Different cars had different statistics and performed better on different tracks. F.1 Need for Speed: Shift This game of the NFS series was a circuit based game and had more advanced physics to its predecessors. Physic-wise, Need for Speed Shift starts to sound really promising. If done right, the 3 different physic models can really make the game enjoyable both for the usual Need for Speed crowd as well as simulation enthusiasts. At first, the driving physics in Shift take some getting used to. You cant go into a corner, hit the apex, and then pump 100% throttle on the way out. Without a doubt, youll inevitably end up facing the wrong direction, or planted into a wall. Throttle control is absolutely mandatory in Need for Speed Shift. Theres no way around this and if you havent got a racing wheel handy, the controller does little to favour irresponsible throttle application or violent steering input. A lot of importance is given to the throttle of the car making it one the most tweaked feature which takes some time getting used to. Due to the high end physics in this game it made it quite difficult to play for the casual gamer so the game had features like 10% extra grip for the newcomers etc. The car could be customised in a lot of ways to make it affect the physics of the car, this helped out the professional players a lot, but in this game doing anything wrong to the customizations without knowing what the person is doing would make the car difficult to handle making it again unfriendly to the casual gamer. One glitch that you often encounter later on in the game when dealing with high performance cars or extensively modified tuned cars. Due to the lowering of body work, additional front splitters, under body modifications and different wheel/tyre combinations, cars seem to run far too low, removing ground clearance and effectively making a car bottom out over even the tiniest of bumps. This results in a ridiculous and uncontrollable glitch where a car will continue down a straight path. This game boosted of great physics giving realism to the circuit/professional racing and tried to make the game real but they failed in a way. The professional player didnt like the game so much because of the physics not being to real life like with some glitches here and there. Also the car would sometimes out or under manoeuvre in an awkward manner as not expected by the user. As for the casual gamer this is not the game for them, this game is very intense and requires decent amount of racing knowledge of knowing when and how to turn/corner at high speeds, tune the car properly according to your personal needs. So in all it was not a great hit either ways. F.2 Need For Speed: Undercover This game does not have realistic physics but it has type of physics which helps the player a lot. The game is made in such a way to make the physics work in the way of the driver to give him/her an awesome driving experience this does not have to be entirely as in the real world. This game allows you to pull of the craziest of stuns with easy, this game is built only to give the driver awesome driving experience with computer guidance to accomplish stunts which would not be possible in the real world giving an adrenalin rush to the player. Key to Undercover is what EA is calling the heroic driving experience. In Undercover this physics system has been given an injection of cool. Think of all the best car chase scenes in movies from the last ten years and youll get an idea of what to expect. EA want you to feel like a skilled stunt driver, and it works. By using a combination of the gas pedal, brake, e-break and gear stick youre able to pull off stunning looking manoeuvres like reverse 180 degree turns. Its like you are Jason Statham from the Transporter movies. While we were quite looking forward some potentially funny moments, it seems EA has gone down a more serious route and it works very well indeed. Your goal in the game is to take down the various captains before taking down the whole operation, which is obviously done while driving at insanely high speeds. The game involves high speed chases over the highway, battling enemy cars, the good old cop chases etc. According to EA the traffic in Undercover is modelled realistically and reacts to your actions. While you can simply push a car over into the way of your target, you could choose to spook a driver of a bus, causing him to jack-knife in the middle of a dual carriageway. Racing at high speed, weaving in and out of traffic appears to offer the kind of thrills that were severely lacking in the more down to earth and structured ProStreet. As EA repeatedly pointed out during the publishers Games Convention 2008 demonstration, Undercover is all about heroic driving, and theres no better reason to drive like a stuntman than trying to outrun a swarm of angry police cars. Police chases thankfully return to Need for Speed in Undercover and these guys are aggressive, very aggressive. To begin with theyre not pushovers, but as you progress through the story and increase your level; your notoriety amongst the police also increases. Before too long theyll spot you on the streets and go after you, hunting you as a pack. If they get you which seems like itll be a regular occurrence for less skilful drivers youll have a strike against your car and itll be impounded. Being able to take pictures of the game during gameplay situations is becoming increasingly common, and with the amount of action on display in Undercover its no surprise to find such a feature here. We didnt see it in action but EA says that the snaps taken have been dubbed Movie Poster Action Cinematic sounds good to us. Undercover still has some way to go in development (its not out until late November) but its already looking very impressive. Car models are incredibly detailed and procedurally deform based on collisions. The areas of the city demonstrated to us were bathed in a gorgeous yellow light that gives the game a highly stylised appearance, and the camera often uncouples from the rear of the car in order to give a better, more cinematic view of the action. With months of development left there were obviously a few technical issues, but on the whole we cant wait to see how the final game looks. As in previous Need for Speed titles the audio is often dominated by the sound of police chatter. We only saw one police chase so cant say how itll sound hours into the game, but they said all the right things to convince us they were on our case. To sum it up, the game is made for the player to have a free stunt filled game which could be easily be pulled of which was not like by the old NFS users. The game wasnt such a big success like the old NFS Most Wanted due the reason that it lacked realist9ic physics but it had player friendly physics which made the game very to finish which much challenge. F.3 Burnout Paradise This game was made for its stunts. It had some realistic physics with a lot of importance given to the car damage. The game was a stunt mania. Though it is not correct to say It had realistic physics but it had good amount of it and put to use in the correct places, the made a game for stunts and it was good for it. The car damage actually affected the car performance. Though it did not have really good physics for driving, it had awesome crash physics. Burnout 5s speedsters will atomise stupendously during crashes, with more than six times as many breakable pieces in each car compared to Burnout Revenge. This will mean you can tear your car in half, rip the roof off or achieve other satisfying shunt stunts. The biggest change introduced in Burnout Paradise is the move to an open world, the streets of Paradise city. The entire city is open at the start of the game, with the idea being that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Not all of the events are present at the start, mind you, and youll have to put in a lot of time to unlock the games roughly 75 cars, but youre never limited in the options before you. The main downtown area of Paradise City is very reminiscent of the downtown tracks in the last couple games, while the western section of the city harkens back to the long, winding, countryside courses of past games as well. A couple of highways will put you dead in the middle of traffic and give you plenty of roads to get up to speed on. In all the game was a success and was loved by crash maniacs but was hated by the driving fanatics. It stood to what it was designed for and achieved excellence in stunts and crash driving. F.4 Dirt Dirt 2 as Dirt is an off-road racing game. I chose this for my case study because this game is somewhat like my project. The game had a lot of focus on suspension and grip, any wrong move by the player could make the car skid off the road, in general the game physics were not player friendly but realistic to give the feel of an off-road racing game with the difficulties involved in an off-road racing game. The physics in Dirt 2 are impeccable. When a truck tumbles after taking a hard landing off a jump, it looks and behaves exactly as it should, which is critical if youre behind the truck anticipating its motion across your driving line. The physics are so realistic that the vibration from my idling engine would shake the skirt on my dash-mounted hula doll. Physics also come into play in the water hazards that now dot many of the courses. Driving through water will slow you down (though this can be advantageous if used strategically), and if youre driving from the cockpit view, my preferred perspective, it will obscure your vision for a few crucial seconds. Dirt 2 also features night-time races, confined to Rally Cross events, which add a whole new dimension to the game. You will have to avoid smashing your headlights on those tight corners if you want to see, and decide if you want to overtake the leader and risk underestimating a dark turn or let him show you the best line through th e corners. Dirt 2 takes the series in a new, quite risky, direction, by taking a more Arcady, fun feel. Although this may have upset some of the hard-core fans of the series, it still kept enough difficulty to please all, even the most casual gamers. It blends the realism of off road racing with the enjoyment of a street racing game and it works perfectly, making one of the best racing games To summarise the game is on the best off-road racing game, like burnout paradise they concentrated on the particular type of physics needed for an off-road racing game. History of Racing Game The old 2D racing games like Speed Race 1974 where generally black and white and were simple arcade games rather than proper simulations. In this era some basic concepts for racing game were developed like collision detection, HUD displays like Tachometer, speedometer etc. were developed. They were all vertical scrolling games and the player had to race with other AI cars or setting a high score. This was the base in the 70s for racing games and racing games evolved from this slowly over the course of years. In 1974 Atari released Gran Trak 10 which was the first racing game to implement ROM (Read Only Memory). This was a black and white game with an overhead view where the player raced against the clock which made the game non-competitive. The next concept came up was a sort of multiplayer where the player played against each other turn wise by competing against each others scores. This slowly evolved to a proper two player multiplayer where the players were able to play with each other simultaneously in a split screen view. In 1976 Crashing race was released which was a multiplayer capable arcade game where the players had to crash into other players to gain score. In this game the collision in racing game was reworked but this was still not a simulation game. The same year Moto-Cross was released which introduced Third-person perspective view into racing games. It achieved this by scrolling the track forward as the player moved and the scene closer to the player kept scaling so that it gave an illusion of perspective. Another game released this year called Fonz introduced feedback in controllers. The next game called Night Driver introduced the first person perspective in racing games. By this time the games were in colour rather than black and white. From 1970 to 1980 the games generally improved in graphics a little bit. In 1980 Namco released Rally-X which was the first racing game to have background music. The game also had a feature to Scroll the screen to either direction giving actual control over the players view. Then in 1982 Namco released Pole position which was the first game to have a track based on an actual circuit. The game had high resolution colour graphics for its time. The game was designed in such a way so that the player had to brake and use controls to manage turns; this is where some kind of simulation started in racing games. The player had to race against AI drivers and also had to race against time which made the game interesting. The game also featured collisions with boundaries and other cars which caused crashes which were first time implemented in a racing game. The game was the first of its kind to implement simulation at the most basic level which is where racing game simulation started from. The games after this adapted this concept and the racing game simulation start ed increasing giving a more sense of realism. The players had to manually shift gears and use brakes on turns to get turns correctly. Pole position 2 in particular had 3 screen display of the game giving a sense of 3D. In 1980s the this was the general trend in racing games and the simple car simulation were upgraded slowly as new hardware came, with this the graphics of the games also improved In 1984 Geoff Crammond developed a racing game simulator RVES for its time on BBC Micro Computer platform. This was the first step in game to really simulating driving. Though this is primitive from present standards but for that time this was huge step in racing simulations. In 1985 HangOn was released which was the first game to use 16 bit graphics and also had an improved simulation and AI system compared to the other games out there at that time. In this time more concern was given on improving graphics rather that the simulations. In 1986, Red Racer was the first stereoscopic 3D game. In 1989 Atari released Hard Drivin; this was the first game to use 3D polygons in a game. In 1990 Papyrus Design Group made the first actual 3D racing game simulator and they actually concentrated more on the simulations rather than the graphics. This simulator simulated realistic physics and telemeter. In 1992 Formula one Grand Prix became a hit racing simulation game which had all the drivers from the actual Grand Prix. From 1993 onwards polygons were highly used to make games and each and every game that was coming out had better graphics than the last one. In 1992 the other game which made big news was virtua racing which was not the first 3D racing game but it had the cleanest 3D graphics for the time. It did not have a pixelated look, rather all the textures were very neat and clean for the time. In 1993 Sega came up with Daytona USA which was the first racing game to feature filtered texture-mapped polygons. In 1994 Electronic Arts came up with Need for Speed which became the most popular racing game series of all time. This game had the most realistic audio for its time, detailing sounds of engines, gearshifts and tyre squeals to perfection. It also featured vehicle traffic in races. This game had both multiplayer and single player capability. In 1997 Gran Turismo was released for play station and was the best game at that time for its simulation and graphics. This was considered to be the most realistic game of its time. In 1999 Midtown Madness changed the face of racing game with free roam in games. After this racing games improved generally on the course of time with better and better graphics and simulations. The latest racing game that is supposed to come out in 2011 called Need for Speed: Shift 2 uses data from actual cars by attaching computers to it and computing every minute detail of the car and driver and have gone so far that they start to bridge the game between real life physics and simulated physics. Racing physics H.1 Basics The very basic idea behind moving a car or any object is F=ma, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the object and a is the acceleration generated. For a car, the force comes from the engine and the mass of the car is a constant, therefore rewriting it we would get a=F/m. This would give us the acceleration. This is the base idea which would be used over all in the game. For example, even when the car takes a turn, would be a force applied in a direction from the centre of mass of the car. H.2 forces applied in Linear Motion Torque: To keep it simple at starting lets consider the car to be going just in a straight line and see what all we would require for the car to run. Now the car engine generates a force which is from spinning motion of the engine shaft through the gearbox, to the axle and finally to the wheels which would drive the car. This gives an understanding that there is a torque applied as a form of force. F=ma: This tells us that the acceleration on the car depends on the mass of the car directly considering the force is constant. Equations of linear motion: V=U+at v=Final velocity of the car u=Initial velocity of the car a= acceleration The force generated will give us acceleration of the car and thus the speed of the car can be calculated from this. t=time taken S=ut+1/2(a*t^2) This equation will be useful to get the position of the car in X, Y, Z direction in 3D space based on the velocity and direction of the car. S= Distance travelled V^2=u^2 +2aS This equation calculates values independent of time. For all the above equation the time will be considered as Άt, which is a small change in time. All our calculations will be based on these getting small points on a graph thus getting the whole motion. Friction: Considering the car stops Appling force on the tyres, by newtons second law it would still be in motion as no negative force is applied to it. But in the real world this is not true; the car decelerates if there is no force from the engine. This is due to the frictional forces present which act in the opposite direction of the car thus acting as negative forces. This can be categorised in 3 parts in general for a car in order of how strong they are. Internal Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This friction comes from the moving parts of the vehicle and is very minimal compared to the other two. Ground Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This friction comes from the friction between the tyres of the car and the ground. It depends on a few things, the larger the tyre of the car the more friction it will have. Also this is also related to the smoothness of the ground and tyres, the smoother tyres give less friction but it to be kept in mind that higher friction tyres have higher grip. Air Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This is the strongest frictional force of the 3 and exponentially the in depth calculations based on this would come later, for now it is this is just to get an understanding of what all basic forces are applied on a car. h.3 Drag This is the air friction experienced by the car when its driving. The drag is a force value acting opposite the direction the car is travelling. This is the force required by the car to overcome to be in motion. =Drag Force =Density of Fluid =Drag Coefficient A=Surface Area After going through a lot of Drag Coefficients, that value for our car fit to be 0.50 Value 0.60 Truck 0.57 Hummer 0.46 Ford Mustang 1976 0.45 Dodge Viper *List from Air density which is fluid density here is 1.29kg/m^3 at sea level, which will be our density. The frontal area of cross section for our car came out to be 2.5m^2 which is our area of reference. Putting the values in the equation of drag This equals All the calculation is are done in metric system. Table for Drag force for our car in Newtons Speed M/s Speed Km/Hr 81.25 10 36 325 20 72 731.25 30 108 1300 40 144 2031 50 180 This shows that as the velocity increases drag force exponentially which increases the force required to overcome it. H.4 Centre of Mass The centre of mass (COM) of an object is the mean location of all the masses in the body. Significance of Realistic Physics in Simulation Games Significance of Realistic Physics in Simulation Games This dissertation is on the significance of realistic physics in simulation games. Physics in games has changed a lot over the years from arcade games having no physics to Need for Speed: Shift having world class physics. As the years have progressed so has the technology giving ways to make the game more realistic to a point which makes them almost as real as in real life. The question here is that do we need such good physics in games cause in the end the players need have a good time playing the game while having a realistic experience, pushing the realism a bit further can cause problems with the game being excessively difficult the daily gamer. Introduction The oldest form of racing games would be arcade games where there was no physics but the games were still fun to play for the casual gamer. They can be called the classic example for physics-less fun games like outrun, Virtua Racing by SEGA. With time games like The need for speed came out with realistic acceleration top sped etc. they built up on car personalities with different cars having different type of grip, speed etc. with more advanced Physics processing units came better physics with destructible models, actual car damage and very realistic handling etc. as seen in Need for Speed: Shift and Need for Speed: Pro-street these games reached the benchmark for physics at their time but were not as popular as the Need for speed: Most Wanted and similar Titles with intermediate use of physics. But the physics in games now days have totally changed the driving experience in games. My thesis is on how this can be improved and what type of physics should be added and what type to be controlled so as not to make the game extremely difficult but also improve the gameplay and give a better feel of realism. C.1 The Statement of Problem The statement of problem in my dissertation is the fun factor in racing games with realistic physics. Racing games are played for fun and are not viewed as some physics prototype so a game with exceptionally good game does not have to be an exceptionally good game and vice versa. There has to be a balance between fun and physics in game. A game with very realistic handling will make an immature player crash a lot which is not very impressive to the player, whereas in a game without friction or skidding, the player will not have the feel of physics or realism in a game making it boring again. How to get this balance in a game is my main objective. In a racing game there should be balanced handling and to make it more realistic new improved effects for drag can be added. Better collision and realistic damage which effects the players driving can help make the game look more realistic. Things like this are very important nowadays as the competition between games is rising and most of the games are coming out with good physics so it becomes a common ground between most games. New type of physics including centre of gravity, collisions effecting the player, g-forces on the player causing loosing handling, blurred vision can be a thing of the future also player fatigue while driving can be added in the games in the future to make them stand out. C.2 Purpose This study is aimed at accomplishing to implement new type of physics in the game, making them more realistic while still being fun to play. The purpose of this study is that when we are adding new type of physics in a game, it should not be so much that it looks more like a physics prototype than a game. Methodology This chapter explains how the research for this dissertation is done. This dissertation is based on experimenting on different type of games arcade and realistic alike and also based on articles related to this subject. D.1 Study of Existing Information Existing information was collected over the internet mainly from and Different type of physics used in current games was searched and also about arcade games. The information was used to understand the working of present day physics realistic games. Information and ideas for different type of physics were also gathered from different forums and articles. To better understand how physics actually works in a game different reference articles which explain how physics is implemented in games with code were studied go get a better understanding about the subject. D.2 Experementation Experimentation was done by testing different racing games from arcade games to realistic games to understand the difference in physics and to understand what type of physics is implemented in present day games. Case study in done in Need for Speed: Undercover, Burnout paradise Dirt, Need for Speed: Shift and Virtua racer to understand the physics in those games and to understand weather they were successful or not and why. Different types of physics modules were studied in each game, understanding what game used what and to how much realism and how it affected the outcome of the sales of the game which tell which was more popular. Literature Review This chapter will discuss the articles significant for this research and what use it has in my dissertation. This chapter is in two parts, one discussing the physics aspect behind making a game and the other one discussing about different games, their popularity and what type of physics they used. E.1 Physics Review Reference: [Title Motion along a straight line by author Michael Tanczos ] This page is about basic motion along a straight line which is required to make a game about any moving body. This helps with the basic physics that require programming of moving objects. Reference: [Title The physics of racing by author Brian Beckman ] This is a comprehensive guide about how to make racing games. This helps with understanding of present day physics and how they are actually implemented in a game. This also helps me to formulate my own ideas to how to add new physics to the game. Reference: [] This page helped me understand about braking systems in cars. Reference: [Title Motor Sports Setup by author Carroll Smith] This is a series of tutorials of how to setup a car. I used this to make compute my own vehicle simulations. Reference: [] This article gave me a better insight of how slip works on a car. E.2 Game Review Reference: [ Title Racing Video Game by Wikipedia] This is where I started researching about history of video games and looking into what types of racing are there and how they developed over time. Reference: [] I visited this website which had old arcade racing which I played and also read about them to get a better understanding of how racing games were back then. Reference: [] This is a forum where i read about Atari arcade games. Case Study In order to understand the exact nature of physics of present day game sand games from the past, I tested out a few games to understand what different types of physics were applied to them and how they are different from one another. This also helped me to understand how the physics evolved from the past to until now. Another aspect of this study was to understand how the popularity of the game was related to the physics it. F.1 Virtua Racing Virtua Racing was released in 1992 by Sega. This game had excellent and clean 3D graphics for its time. It was based on F1 racing and was one of the best arcade racing game of all time. This set the base for racing games that came after this. It had features like minimap track, speedometer etc. basically it had a fully functional HUD for its time. It had 2 views, one third person and the other was first person inside the car. It had time chase and also the player could race against the AI cars in the single player mode. In the multiplayer mode, two players could race against each other. It had also implemented different cars so the player could choose between them. They were not just artistically different but also were also different in the way they handled. This was a change from the old racing games before this which had only artistic differences between different cars. This game had simulated physic s, there was not an actual simulation engine deciding what the car would do. It w as just programmed to skid if the player was taking a turn over a certain speed. It gave a very good feeling of realism. F.2 Need for Speed Need for Speed for first released in 1994 by Electronic Arts. This game went on to be the most famous game series of all times. Need for Speed was based on street racing. It had good load out of cars which performed very differently from each other. The players had to race in the street with oncoming traffic and against AI player; it also had a multiplayer mode which 2 player could play simultaneously. It had a very smooth camera system which allowed the player to play in a third person view or a first person view with the player sitting inside the car. This game had implemented gearing system which the player could manually change or set it to automatic where the computer would take care of it. This game had very good physics simulations which was quite different from its predecessors. Need for speed has impressive graphics getting better than anyone before them. They had open seamless outdoor worlds. These worlds gave an effect of a 3D world unlike the past games. The cars were also very detailed, which ranged from Lamborghini, dodge viper to Mustangs. They were replica of real life cars with all the details in them that could be put at that point of time. The race tracks also had a lot of variance in them which were set in a realistic environment. This game also had weather effects which added more realism to the environment. The sounds implemented were also awesome. They were very accurate and added to the realism of driving a vehicle as a driver depends on sounds a lot when driving a vehicle. For a game to achieve this, the sounds had to be very accurate which EA achieved with NFS. The simulation engine for this game was also very nice, it gave a clean difference felt in power, speed and handling when driving different cars. Different cars had different statistics and performed better on different tracks. F.1 Need for Speed: Shift This game of the NFS series was a circuit based game and had more advanced physics to its predecessors. Physic-wise, Need for Speed Shift starts to sound really promising. If done right, the 3 different physic models can really make the game enjoyable both for the usual Need for Speed crowd as well as simulation enthusiasts. At first, the driving physics in Shift take some getting used to. You cant go into a corner, hit the apex, and then pump 100% throttle on the way out. Without a doubt, youll inevitably end up facing the wrong direction, or planted into a wall. Throttle control is absolutely mandatory in Need for Speed Shift. Theres no way around this and if you havent got a racing wheel handy, the controller does little to favour irresponsible throttle application or violent steering input. A lot of importance is given to the throttle of the car making it one the most tweaked feature which takes some time getting used to. Due to the high end physics in this game it made it quite difficult to play for the casual gamer so the game had features like 10% extra grip for the newcomers etc. The car could be customised in a lot of ways to make it affect the physics of the car, this helped out the professional players a lot, but in this game doing anything wrong to the customizations without knowing what the person is doing would make the car difficult to handle making it again unfriendly to the casual gamer. One glitch that you often encounter later on in the game when dealing with high performance cars or extensively modified tuned cars. Due to the lowering of body work, additional front splitters, under body modifications and different wheel/tyre combinations, cars seem to run far too low, removing ground clearance and effectively making a car bottom out over even the tiniest of bumps. This results in a ridiculous and uncontrollable glitch where a car will continue down a straight path. This game boosted of great physics giving realism to the circuit/professional racing and tried to make the game real but they failed in a way. The professional player didnt like the game so much because of the physics not being to real life like with some glitches here and there. Also the car would sometimes out or under manoeuvre in an awkward manner as not expected by the user. As for the casual gamer this is not the game for them, this game is very intense and requires decent amount of racing knowledge of knowing when and how to turn/corner at high speeds, tune the car properly according to your personal needs. So in all it was not a great hit either ways. F.2 Need For Speed: Undercover This game does not have realistic physics but it has type of physics which helps the player a lot. The game is made in such a way to make the physics work in the way of the driver to give him/her an awesome driving experience this does not have to be entirely as in the real world. This game allows you to pull of the craziest of stuns with easy, this game is built only to give the driver awesome driving experience with computer guidance to accomplish stunts which would not be possible in the real world giving an adrenalin rush to the player. Key to Undercover is what EA is calling the heroic driving experience. In Undercover this physics system has been given an injection of cool. Think of all the best car chase scenes in movies from the last ten years and youll get an idea of what to expect. EA want you to feel like a skilled stunt driver, and it works. By using a combination of the gas pedal, brake, e-break and gear stick youre able to pull off stunning looking manoeuvres like reverse 180 degree turns. Its like you are Jason Statham from the Transporter movies. While we were quite looking forward some potentially funny moments, it seems EA has gone down a more serious route and it works very well indeed. Your goal in the game is to take down the various captains before taking down the whole operation, which is obviously done while driving at insanely high speeds. The game involves high speed chases over the highway, battling enemy cars, the good old cop chases etc. According to EA the traffic in Undercover is modelled realistically and reacts to your actions. While you can simply push a car over into the way of your target, you could choose to spook a driver of a bus, causing him to jack-knife in the middle of a dual carriageway. Racing at high speed, weaving in and out of traffic appears to offer the kind of thrills that were severely lacking in the more down to earth and structured ProStreet. As EA repeatedly pointed out during the publishers Games Convention 2008 demonstration, Undercover is all about heroic driving, and theres no better reason to drive like a stuntman than trying to outrun a swarm of angry police cars. Police chases thankfully return to Need for Speed in Undercover and these guys are aggressive, very aggressive. To begin with theyre not pushovers, but as you progress through the story and increase your level; your notoriety amongst the police also increases. Before too long theyll spot you on the streets and go after you, hunting you as a pack. If they get you which seems like itll be a regular occurrence for less skilful drivers youll have a strike against your car and itll be impounded. Being able to take pictures of the game during gameplay situations is becoming increasingly common, and with the amount of action on display in Undercover its no surprise to find such a feature here. We didnt see it in action but EA says that the snaps taken have been dubbed Movie Poster Action Cinematic sounds good to us. Undercover still has some way to go in development (its not out until late November) but its already looking very impressive. Car models are incredibly detailed and procedurally deform based on collisions. The areas of the city demonstrated to us were bathed in a gorgeous yellow light that gives the game a highly stylised appearance, and the camera often uncouples from the rear of the car in order to give a better, more cinematic view of the action. With months of development left there were obviously a few technical issues, but on the whole we cant wait to see how the final game looks. As in previous Need for Speed titles the audio is often dominated by the sound of police chatter. We only saw one police chase so cant say how itll sound hours into the game, but they said all the right things to convince us they were on our case. To sum it up, the game is made for the player to have a free stunt filled game which could be easily be pulled of which was not like by the old NFS users. The game wasnt such a big success like the old NFS Most Wanted due the reason that it lacked realist9ic physics but it had player friendly physics which made the game very to finish which much challenge. F.3 Burnout Paradise This game was made for its stunts. It had some realistic physics with a lot of importance given to the car damage. The game was a stunt mania. Though it is not correct to say It had realistic physics but it had good amount of it and put to use in the correct places, the made a game for stunts and it was good for it. The car damage actually affected the car performance. Though it did not have really good physics for driving, it had awesome crash physics. Burnout 5s speedsters will atomise stupendously during crashes, with more than six times as many breakable pieces in each car compared to Burnout Revenge. This will mean you can tear your car in half, rip the roof off or achieve other satisfying shunt stunts. The biggest change introduced in Burnout Paradise is the move to an open world, the streets of Paradise city. The entire city is open at the start of the game, with the idea being that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Not all of the events are present at the start, mind you, and youll have to put in a lot of time to unlock the games roughly 75 cars, but youre never limited in the options before you. The main downtown area of Paradise City is very reminiscent of the downtown tracks in the last couple games, while the western section of the city harkens back to the long, winding, countryside courses of past games as well. A couple of highways will put you dead in the middle of traffic and give you plenty of roads to get up to speed on. In all the game was a success and was loved by crash maniacs but was hated by the driving fanatics. It stood to what it was designed for and achieved excellence in stunts and crash driving. F.4 Dirt Dirt 2 as Dirt is an off-road racing game. I chose this for my case study because this game is somewhat like my project. The game had a lot of focus on suspension and grip, any wrong move by the player could make the car skid off the road, in general the game physics were not player friendly but realistic to give the feel of an off-road racing game with the difficulties involved in an off-road racing game. The physics in Dirt 2 are impeccable. When a truck tumbles after taking a hard landing off a jump, it looks and behaves exactly as it should, which is critical if youre behind the truck anticipating its motion across your driving line. The physics are so realistic that the vibration from my idling engine would shake the skirt on my dash-mounted hula doll. Physics also come into play in the water hazards that now dot many of the courses. Driving through water will slow you down (though this can be advantageous if used strategically), and if youre driving from the cockpit view, my preferred perspective, it will obscure your vision for a few crucial seconds. Dirt 2 also features night-time races, confined to Rally Cross events, which add a whole new dimension to the game. You will have to avoid smashing your headlights on those tight corners if you want to see, and decide if you want to overtake the leader and risk underestimating a dark turn or let him show you the best line through th e corners. Dirt 2 takes the series in a new, quite risky, direction, by taking a more Arcady, fun feel. Although this may have upset some of the hard-core fans of the series, it still kept enough difficulty to please all, even the most casual gamers. It blends the realism of off road racing with the enjoyment of a street racing game and it works perfectly, making one of the best racing games To summarise the game is on the best off-road racing game, like burnout paradise they concentrated on the particular type of physics needed for an off-road racing game. History of Racing Game The old 2D racing games like Speed Race 1974 where generally black and white and were simple arcade games rather than proper simulations. In this era some basic concepts for racing game were developed like collision detection, HUD displays like Tachometer, speedometer etc. were developed. They were all vertical scrolling games and the player had to race with other AI cars or setting a high score. This was the base in the 70s for racing games and racing games evolved from this slowly over the course of years. In 1974 Atari released Gran Trak 10 which was the first racing game to implement ROM (Read Only Memory). This was a black and white game with an overhead view where the player raced against the clock which made the game non-competitive. The next concept came up was a sort of multiplayer where the player played against each other turn wise by competing against each others scores. This slowly evolved to a proper two player multiplayer where the players were able to play with each other simultaneously in a split screen view. In 1976 Crashing race was released which was a multiplayer capable arcade game where the players had to crash into other players to gain score. In this game the collision in racing game was reworked but this was still not a simulation game. The same year Moto-Cross was released which introduced Third-person perspective view into racing games. It achieved this by scrolling the track forward as the player moved and the scene closer to the player kept scaling so that it gave an illusion of perspective. Another game released this year called Fonz introduced feedback in controllers. The next game called Night Driver introduced the first person perspective in racing games. By this time the games were in colour rather than black and white. From 1970 to 1980 the games generally improved in graphics a little bit. In 1980 Namco released Rally-X which was the first racing game to have background music. The game also had a feature to Scroll the screen to either direction giving actual control over the players view. Then in 1982 Namco released Pole position which was the first game to have a track based on an actual circuit. The game had high resolution colour graphics for its time. The game was designed in such a way so that the player had to brake and use controls to manage turns; this is where some kind of simulation started in racing games. The player had to race against AI drivers and also had to race against time which made the game interesting. The game also featured collisions with boundaries and other cars which caused crashes which were first time implemented in a racing game. The game was the first of its kind to implement simulation at the most basic level which is where racing game simulation started from. The games after this adapted this concept and the racing game simulation start ed increasing giving a more sense of realism. The players had to manually shift gears and use brakes on turns to get turns correctly. Pole position 2 in particular had 3 screen display of the game giving a sense of 3D. In 1980s the this was the general trend in racing games and the simple car simulation were upgraded slowly as new hardware came, with this the graphics of the games also improved In 1984 Geoff Crammond developed a racing game simulator RVES for its time on BBC Micro Computer platform. This was the first step in game to really simulating driving. Though this is primitive from present standards but for that time this was huge step in racing simulations. In 1985 HangOn was released which was the first game to use 16 bit graphics and also had an improved simulation and AI system compared to the other games out there at that time. In this time more concern was given on improving graphics rather that the simulations. In 1986, Red Racer was the first stereoscopic 3D game. In 1989 Atari released Hard Drivin; this was the first game to use 3D polygons in a game. In 1990 Papyrus Design Group made the first actual 3D racing game simulator and they actually concentrated more on the simulations rather than the graphics. This simulator simulated realistic physics and telemeter. In 1992 Formula one Grand Prix became a hit racing simulation game which had all the drivers from the actual Grand Prix. From 1993 onwards polygons were highly used to make games and each and every game that was coming out had better graphics than the last one. In 1992 the other game which made big news was virtua racing which was not the first 3D racing game but it had the cleanest 3D graphics for the time. It did not have a pixelated look, rather all the textures were very neat and clean for the time. In 1993 Sega came up with Daytona USA which was the first racing game to feature filtered texture-mapped polygons. In 1994 Electronic Arts came up with Need for Speed which became the most popular racing game series of all time. This game had the most realistic audio for its time, detailing sounds of engines, gearshifts and tyre squeals to perfection. It also featured vehicle traffic in races. This game had both multiplayer and single player capability. In 1997 Gran Turismo was released for play station and was the best game at that time for its simulation and graphics. This was considered to be the most realistic game of its time. In 1999 Midtown Madness changed the face of racing game with free roam in games. After this racing games improved generally on the course of time with better and better graphics and simulations. The latest racing game that is supposed to come out in 2011 called Need for Speed: Shift 2 uses data from actual cars by attaching computers to it and computing every minute detail of the car and driver and have gone so far that they start to bridge the game between real life physics and simulated physics. Racing physics H.1 Basics The very basic idea behind moving a car or any object is F=ma, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the object and a is the acceleration generated. For a car, the force comes from the engine and the mass of the car is a constant, therefore rewriting it we would get a=F/m. This would give us the acceleration. This is the base idea which would be used over all in the game. For example, even when the car takes a turn, would be a force applied in a direction from the centre of mass of the car. H.2 forces applied in Linear Motion Torque: To keep it simple at starting lets consider the car to be going just in a straight line and see what all we would require for the car to run. Now the car engine generates a force which is from spinning motion of the engine shaft through the gearbox, to the axle and finally to the wheels which would drive the car. This gives an understanding that there is a torque applied as a form of force. F=ma: This tells us that the acceleration on the car depends on the mass of the car directly considering the force is constant. Equations of linear motion: V=U+at v=Final velocity of the car u=Initial velocity of the car a= acceleration The force generated will give us acceleration of the car and thus the speed of the car can be calculated from this. t=time taken S=ut+1/2(a*t^2) This equation will be useful to get the position of the car in X, Y, Z direction in 3D space based on the velocity and direction of the car. S= Distance travelled V^2=u^2 +2aS This equation calculates values independent of time. For all the above equation the time will be considered as Άt, which is a small change in time. All our calculations will be based on these getting small points on a graph thus getting the whole motion. Friction: Considering the car stops Appling force on the tyres, by newtons second law it would still be in motion as no negative force is applied to it. But in the real world this is not true; the car decelerates if there is no force from the engine. This is due to the frictional forces present which act in the opposite direction of the car thus acting as negative forces. This can be categorised in 3 parts in general for a car in order of how strong they are. Internal Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This friction comes from the moving parts of the vehicle and is very minimal compared to the other two. Ground Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This friction comes from the friction between the tyres of the car and the ground. It depends on a few things, the larger the tyre of the car the more friction it will have. Also this is also related to the smoothness of the ground and tyres, the smoother tyres give less friction but it to be kept in mind that higher friction tyres have higher grip. Air Friction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" This is the strongest frictional force of the 3 and exponentially the in depth calculations based on this would come later, for now it is this is just to get an understanding of what all basic forces are applied on a car. h.3 Drag This is the air friction experienced by the car when its driving. The drag is a force value acting opposite the direction the car is travelling. This is the force required by the car to overcome to be in motion. =Drag Force =Density of Fluid =Drag Coefficient A=Surface Area After going through a lot of Drag Coefficients, that value for our car fit to be 0.50 Value 0.60 Truck 0.57 Hummer 0.46 Ford Mustang 1976 0.45 Dodge Viper *List from Air density which is fluid density here is 1.29kg/m^3 at sea level, which will be our density. The frontal area of cross section for our car came out to be 2.5m^2 which is our area of reference. Putting the values in the equation of drag This equals All the calculation is are done in metric system. Table for Drag force for our car in Newtons Speed M/s Speed Km/Hr 81.25 10 36 325 20 72 731.25 30 108 1300 40 144 2031 50 180 This shows that as the velocity increases drag force exponentially which increases the force required to overcome it. H.4 Centre of Mass The centre of mass (COM) of an object is the mean location of all the masses in the body.